mandag 31. mars 2008

And then again I'm bored... Enjoy the survey xD

And Marit is yet again being bored =/

What do people usually compliment you on? Not sure… that I’m a funny? I don’t know x)
What's one thing that you want right now? a flight ticket to an interesting country
Is there anyone who doesn't like you? probably
Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset?

Nicest feature of the opposite sex? Eyes
Do you think you can last for an hour without talking? Never ever :]
Can you whistle? Sure I can :P
What was your last purchase? 3 CDs on the internet just now
What color is your hair? Dark golden blond with a touch of red or something.
Are you scared of spiders?
nope. I just flush them down the toilet.. sorry..

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? it depends what the person has done
If you could be anywhere you want where would it be? Not here
Whats something you wish you could understand better?
lots of things.. why certain things happen and such

Do you have a wild side? Everyone have one.. I just haven't discovered mine just yet :P or have I? :D
Who do you tell everything to? My bestfriend
Name a lyric from the song you're listening to? "well I can't really dance, but baby do you wanna dance with me?"
Do you have any picture frames in your room? Yes I have
Do you often wish there was something you could change? sometimes
Small or large purses? large
Are diamonds a girl’s best friend? no, diamonds are a bit overrated in my opinion.

Yet another monday, and I barely managed to get out of the bed this morning =/ When I eventually came to school looking like a halfsleeping sloth, it turned out that my spanish teacher wasn't there, so we got the lesson off :) I wanted to go home and sleep, but I wasn't really bothered, so instead I went to the supermarket to buy something to eat (as I hadn't had time to eat any breakfast) with a friend. That was a nice start of the day, even though it would have been better to be home hugging my pillow :P
After the english lesson (which was rather boring) we had 75 minutes off (including lunchtime). Then it was off to the history & philosophy class which I HATE, but believe it or not; I actually understood what we had about today. YAY :P
btw: The snow is almost gone.. or atleast about 98,5% of it :P

søndag 30. mars 2008

History :)

"Those who don't learn from the history are bound to repeat it"
I quite like history. Eveything that happens and everything we do will turn out be history in some way in the future. Strange huh?
There's alot around us that is actually interesting to learn, read or just know about that is history, and I must admit that history is one of my favorite subjects. I don't like all history ofcourse, but one of the topics I'm interested in, is World War 2. The whole period is really sad, but interesting at the same time, and it's clearly that the quote I wrote fits to that, as it became a World War 2 .
I feel a bit geeky when writing about this, but well, that's me :) interested in history and all :)
You know what? My favorite films are actually based on history.. well, some of them though.. Such like Anne Franks Diary, Flags of Our Fathers, Titanic, Der Untergang and Troy :)
My conclusion: History is intersting as long as you have an interest in it, and are willing to learn:) and this comes from geeky me :) So believe me!

Vræling til The Wombats :D

Huff.. jeg er støl fra igår jeg... ikke nok med at vi hadde rompefotball i gymmen på fredag, men så dansa jeg rundt både igår og på fredag... Men det var gøy da! :D også fikk jeg da også vrælt litt til The Wombats, som jeg btw, skal se LIVEJohn Dee i Oslo på fredag :D Jeg gleder meg bare sånn helt sinnsykt! The Wombats er så sjukt kule! :D

I natt mista vi en time, men Marit hadde det fremdeles helt utrolig gøy :D Marit vet ikke helt hvorfor hun skriver i 3. person.. kanskje hun bare hun har lyst på en liten forandring i hverdagen? Marit er rar. Men uansett. Igår feira Marit bursdag og det var festlig det! Alle unntatt en kom og det ble tilsammen 19 personer. Vi spiste masse mat, og det ble også mye drikking :) Vi var alle ganske lykkelige, og Marit fikk masse fine gaver :D Så Marit ble skikkelig fornøyd med alle gavene. For Marit liker gaver skjønner du.. :D

huff, nå føles det som om jeg skriver som jeg snakka i barnehagen eller noe :S

Okay, back to normal. Last night I celebrated my 18th birthday and it was alot of fun. I had DISCOPARTY. We were all together 19 people and it was just a blast. We ate, we drank, we danced, we went nuts :D What a great time we had. The last people went around 3 (or 4, as we lost an hour) and I got lots of nice presents :D I'll put some pictures up of what I got later.. Me and Lise had to get up today to clean the house, as it was quite messy. But it wasn't too bad though. TUSEN TAKK SIGRID FOR HJELPA IGÅR :D Jeg vet ikke åssen jeg kan få takket deg for det :D Du er en helt NYDELIG venn du! :D

Right now am I listening to my new Jimi Hendrix CD I got yesterday :D Tusen takk Sara, Pia, Åsne, Sigrid, Silje og Guro :) Jimi Hendrix er en knakande fyr!

lørdag 29. mars 2008

Preparations for my birthdayparty :]

Wow! It's the first time ever I haven't started to "cry" while cutting onions :D Or, almost though.. it might came a little tear in the corner of the eye :P

Impressing huh? naah, didn't think so..

Today me and Lise got up at around 12 when we should've got up waay earlier, as we have quite alot to do before me celebrating my birthday tonight :D After eating breakfast and such we evenutally went to the supermarket to buy the last ingredients and the brownies is now in the oven and it smells brownies all around me :D mmmm

I don't really have much more to write here.. so instead of writing down a pile of bullsh*t I'll get going and I hope you'll have a nice evening:)

I know I will xD

Purple Haze all in my brain :)

ÅÅH! I går hadde jeg det bare helt utrolig artig! Jeg, Lise og Silje hadde et lite vorspiel hos meg før vi dro ut på byen, for å vise Lise litt av Hamar by.. hehe
Det viste seg å være ganske dødt egentlig, akkurat som en fyr også hadde fortalt oss, men det hindra jo ikke oss å gå ut fordet.. Vi var innom flere steder, og dro etterhvert til Hydranten hvor vår kjære venn Marielle jobber, og akkurat i går kveld jobba hu som bartender! Ganske så kult vil nå jeg si. Vi gikk da altså dit, etter å ha venta til et band hadde spilt ferdig, og det viste seg at Marielle hadde fått lov til å gi meg en gratis bursdagsdrink :D Så jeg valgte da Purple Haze (Som også er min yndligssang av Jimi Hendrix) og den var helt utrolig god :D også spurte jeg om de hadde noe musikk av Jimi Hendrix de kunne spille, og da spilte de Purple Haze, mens jeg satt og slurpa i meg Purple Haze.. Kult hæ? :P Jeg tror jeg nesten er litt forelska i Jimi Hendrix jeg :D Eller hvertfall musikken hans! Men han var jo et ganske så stort geni så hvordan kan man unngå å like riffa hans:P

Uansett, mye skjedde iløpet av kvelden og vi fikk også en drink på et anna sted, som var på en måte inkludert i inngangsbilletten :) og den drinken var også ganske så fræsh :)
Vi var hjemme sånn ca klokka 4 etter å ha gått hjem, så beina mine er fremdeles ganske såre :(

Men da stikker jeg!

fredag 28. mars 2008

Amy MacDonald - This Is The Life

My bestfriend Lise is on her way, and me, her and Silje are going out tonight. I hope it will be people in the town on a Friday, even though a guy I talked to last night said it usually isn't.. but we'll see..

Ever heard about Amy MacDonald? She's from Glasgow and she's only 20 years old=) She has quite a cool voice, and I've got really into her song "This Is The Life" lately.. I can probably listen to it 10 times in a row without getting bored of it.. and I like the lyrics too:)

You should really check it out:

Min bursdagsDAG :)

Ja, da var 18 års dagen over, men jeg er fremdeles ikke ferdig med å feire xD

Til middag lagde foreldra mine fondue som er min yndligsrett of all time :D Det var godt det... sist jeg spiste det var 2 år siden eller noe, så det var ganske deilig å spise det igjen :D hehe

Broren min kom hjem fra Kina samme dagen, så etter god mat og greier ble det en liten pakkeutdelig til meg + at vi fikk se hva slags festlige saker han hadde fått tak i borti vesten :P
Jeg fikk faktisk et kinesisk moteblad av han, så det kan jo bli ehh... *kremt* veldig interessant å lese....

Klokka 9 kom Silje til meg for å ha vorspiel, så etter et ganske så skuffende sprett fra vår musserende vinflaske dansa vi alikevel rundt som noen merkelige skapninger :D ganske så festlig egentlig..
Da klokka nærma seg 12 fikk vi broren min til å kjøre oss (to ganske så brisne jenter) til byen, og det første vi møtte på da vi kom dit var en ganske så creepy 46 år gammel mann som begynte å synge for oss..

Vi tusla litt rundt først, og det viste seg å være ganske så dødt liv i byen denne torsdagen.. stusslige greier, men tydeligvis så slapper vel folk fremdeles av etter å ha feste i hele påsken. Uansett, vi gikk da til slutt inn på et koslig lite sted kalt "Innimellom" hvor jeg fikk gratis drink siden jeg hadde bursdag :D Den var skikkelig god skal jeg si deg, og het et eller anna med Banana crush eller noe :) Jeg liker banan jeg xD

Etter å ha prata med noen folk som etterhvert dukka opp, greide vi å bli kasta ut på grunn av en litt klønete grunn.. hehe.. Silje da :P så etterhvert endte vi opp andre steder, men kom til slutt inn igjen på "Innimellom"...

Men, the conclusion: Vi hadde det helt ekstremt gøy og møtte mange ganske så festlige folk! Vi kom hjem sånn ca klokka 4, og vi som skulle opp igjen til 10 for å gå på skola :D men det gikk bra, og jeg er fremdeles i ganske fin form... :)

torsdag 27. mars 2008

No longer 17 :O

hmm, this day went quite fast.. atleast the time when I was at school :) which is quite nice as it is Thursday :) After that my mum picked me and Silje up, and then we went to Vinmonopolet "Wine and spirits monopoly" :) So there I walked straight in, and the cashier woman said Happy Birthday to me xD and where I bought my ale I didn't even have to show ID :O or, she might saw I had a bag from the "wine and spirits monopoly" where you have to show ID :P There we bought a few wines and I felt quite strange walking around there x) And I actually bought a Scottish Ale :) I've always wanted to taste real ale, but I've never had the chance to... So it better be good :P

Do you notice that anything is different? I do not, but on the one to the left am I 17 and on the other one am I one year older xD HAHA
But I'm still good old goofy me :D

I'm 18 :O

It definately feels strange :S

onsdag 26. mars 2008

I've just taken a shower and came out with the smell of
Lacoste - touch of pink :)
Now I'm off to bed,
so nighty night

and sweet dreams :)

I know I will :D

Random fact :)

Did you know that it is illegal to own a pincer in the state Texas?
Well, now you do ;)
(And you can thank me for that, if you didn't already know:P)

I wonder if there's any tool stores that actually sell them? as they're illegal to own... Hmm.
or maybe you can get one at the black market :P haha


Wow, what an exhausting day.. and I was suppose to have the Wednesday OFF. I've been working with the project till now and it got quite boring after a while=/ Well, me, Andrea and Ingvild had a nice time, but not the time which involved the project.. I think it's an interesting topic and all, but it just got too much..

As mention did me make a film with moviemaker where we recorded our voices, and in the beginning it didn't really work out too good, as we all had a laughter kick (?). I have no idea why, but we did xD Me and Ingvild evenutally got up with the idea of going to the supermarket as she was in need of some chocolate. So atleast we got some fresh air.

After working for about 6 hours (okay, we might didn't work constantly those hours, but still), we got to have something to eat :D I was starving! So after eating a quite delicous meal we ended up throwing around a stuffed animal turkey or whatever it was with Andrea's brother.. OMG we were desperate for doing something else than doing the project xD

We were sitting in Andrea's basement and there it was lots of child books.. hah, so in our desperation of doing something else, we started to look at them.. Quite nostalgic to "read" (which means there was about a sentence on east page) Postman Pat, Hercules and Sesame Street xD But at that time it was much better than doing the stupid project. But now I'm home again :) but I still have some glosseries to revise on for the french test tomorrow, norwegian homework AND read about the french revolution =/ It just never ends does it?

In 4 hours and 35 minutes I'll be 18! :O :O :O

Stupid alarm!

Okay, I have to admit that the snow is beautiful. But not as beautiful it would have been if it would have been here the whole time, without a springish period in the middle.

I'm now at Andrea's house along with Ingvild, and we're working on our english project about British Music Through Times, which we were supposed to have the week before the Easter holiday. But we got to postpone, but we're still sort of running out of time, as we're going to make a film, and we're having the presentation tomorrow :S But it will be okay I hope.

I was suppose to go to Andrea at 10am, but my stupid alarm didn't ring before 9.45am when it was supposed to ring at 8.45 so I came quite late... but, anyway...

So right now I am writing about The Clash :D


tirsdag 25. mars 2008

Peep Show? :]

oh, it's my 5th posting today.. I'm starting to be pathetic.. anyway, I thought I would just inform you all that I'm watching Peep show at this very moment.
Because belive it or not does they actually send it on Norwegian television.. I didn't think so myself, until a few months ago when I saw it :) Funny!
It's British sarcasm humour :) Two guys that makes you laugh.. hehe


ÅH, så utolig gøy :D Nå har jeg akkurat sett på Brit Awards (som var live i London 20 februar, men siden vi bor i Norge, tar det sin tid før det kommer på tv her) og det var ganske så knakande :D Jeg blir rett og slett fascinert xD Der var både Kaiser Chiefs, Foo Fighters (eller Dave Grohl da, siden de mottok 2 priser), Ozzy Osbourne (han er litt kul da:D), Amy Winehouse (ja, hu er litt snål, men har faktisk en del fræshe sanger) og sist men ikke minst: ARCTIC MONKEYS :) Jeg elsker de ladsa altså! De vant to priser faktisk, en for "Best British Album" og en for "Best British Group" :D De var ganske så fulle når de mottok prisen men det var egentlig ganske festlig.. også hadde de på seg sånne gammeldagse bondeklær :D Ganske så heite var de altså :P

Kule HÆ? :D


ÆÆÆH! ÅÅÅÅH! Nå fikk jeg akkurat melding fra Sigrid om at Brit Awards går på NRK3 nå, kvart over 9 :D :D :D Holle moses assa! Det må jeg få med meg!
TUSEN TAKK for at du meldte fra Sigrid ;) Så nå er jeg happy clappy og gleder meg til å se det :D

Også er det PEEP show idag også jo :) Fræææshe greier :P

Random shite 2?

I've found an outfit to wear for my disco themed birthday party :D :D

I pretty much went through all my dresses to see if there were any discoish dresses there, but there weren't.. But, I managed to sort of fix a black dress I bought in London two years ago... I have no idea if it's really disco or not, but we'll see :) All I need now is some glittering accessories.. I already have a purse I bought on sale quite a while ago, but I don't really need one as I live here (and I'll celebrate at my house).

oh, and I think I have to put up a picture of "random shite 2":
I quite like the page where you edit those kinds of things :

And I will then again write why I chose each of the items :)

Starbucks frappuccino: It's Starbucks! It's Frappuccino! :) Pretty much says it all :P I just love it :D I only wish we had Starbucks in Norway :(

The scarf: I LOVE scarfs! Not sure what more to say about that, but I thought it was nice:)

The red telephonebox: I find it cool! And they're all round in London, and I love London.. And it's something very british about them.. hehe. but hey, they ARE british :D :D

The lemon face: I like lemons... well, they're not my favorite fruit or anything, but atleast I found this picture cute :)

The yellow glasses: Here you have some bug eyed glasses :) I think they're sort of funky.. I would look weird with them, but they're cool :P

The strawberries: I LOVE strawberries! I think that must be my favorite sort of berries :D or hang on, that might be blueberries.. naah, it definately is STRAWBERRIES :) Like in the summer, in the strawberry season, where you eat tons of them with milk and sugar on.. or even maybe make a smoothie? That's good times :D

The music quote: It says it all: Just don't stop the music without my permission :P

The blue flower: Not any specific reason.. Just thought the picture needed something blue in it xD

The retro telephone: I sometimes I wish I had one.. not sure why, but it's oldish (retro in other words), and I remember we had a similar one that never really worked properly.. hmm

The other quote: I agree with it.. We live in a weird world, and I would say I'm pretty weird myself :D

School :(

Argh, it's school again today.. The day went okay, but when I woke up it was snowing.. not just a bit, but A LOT! It was all white outside and you could barely see the sky because of all the snow coming down... It was really depressing, because usually after Easter is it bare ground and the spring is coming, but this year (probably because it's quite early Easter) it's still winterly :( I hate it! So on the way to school today, I got covered in snow :/

But I'm now back home again and I have the day off tomorrow :D It's so nice :D Even though i have to go to Andrea and work on a project with her and Ingvild.. but oh well..

I wish I owned a dream machine.. If there's anything like that which actually exists..?! I've heard they've made a machine where you apparently can tell what you want to dream about by scanning pictures or something.. But that's over in Asia... It would have been cool to try one though.. hehe

So to make this post even more weird I'll tell you what I dreamt about last night.. or was it this night? I'm not sure :S
I dreamt I was somewhere in the UK or England (I quite like those dreams where you're abroad, and especially in the UK as there are so many cosy houses there :) ) anyway, I was there, and I think I was invited to a tea party.. Not sure who invited me, but I think there were someone around my age.. And that's pretty much what my dream was about, because I usually forget details :P


mandag 24. mars 2008

Some random shite I want to share =)

I managed to put these stuff together.. it's just random really, but I like those things :)
So, just a few words about why I picked them:
The green guitar: Firstly, it is GREEN which I love, and it is a guitar :) I quite like guitars.
The Jimi Hendrix t-shirt: It pretty much says it all. It's Jimi Hendrix on a t-shirt :) I want one!
The ribbon bow: not any specific reason. Just thought it was cute and it's checked :)
The London button thingy: I simply LOVE London and thinks the flag is pretty cool too!
The other guitar: It's very similar to the one I have, except it is probably another brand as mine was quite cheap.
The Cowboy hat: I just find them a bit cool :P It would be cool to have one in green xD The Wombats bought some in fresh colors when they were in Austin, Texas :) I want to go there to the same store xD
The uniform: It's the English uniform, and The Libertines wore those in certain music videos e.g "Up The Bracket". And I'm also quite fascinated by britain in general.
The Jimi Hendrix lunchbox: I'd say it would be quite cool to bring your lunch in a Jimi Hendrix lunchbox even though it's quite big.. or you can just put other things in it :) it still has Jimi Hendrix on it :D
The red polkadot dress: I think it's really cute, but I'm not sure if I would look good in one.. I think it is the one Kate Nash has and I LOVE her style in clothes :)
The t-shirt with text: I like the text: LET IT ROCK LET IT ROLL and it's colorful. It's as simple as that :D

Adele - Hometown Glory

I love this song: It's about her passion and love for London. How lucky is she as she actually like her hometown. But then again, she lives in London... x)

I have to admit that this is not exactly the music I usually listen to, but her songs is very relaxing and they're even more interesting as she has this unique voice :)

I'm so bored that it is baaad :( I have this stupid task in history & philosophy I have to hand in (and I should've handed it in before the Easter holiday) so now I'm screwed.. I have sort of begun, but I don't understand the question which don't really get me any further :/ I really HATE that subject.. I also dislike math, which I've always done, but I'm actually in love with math compared to how much I hate history & philosophy. And those who know me get the point.. it's pure torture...

I don't really know why I'm writing about school and subjects.. that is just tragical :( I have to go back to school tomorrow by the way, which is something I'm not looking forward to at all :( But I can't really complain this first week as I only have 3 schooldays (as I have the Wednesday off) and that it is my birthday on Thursday, so atleast I have something to look forward to :D

So have a nice day and wish me luck with the task I don't understand :p

søndag 23. mars 2008

My parents are home again :( And then was the silence gone (or loud music in other words) and with that comes lots of nagging about this and that... jeez, it gets on my nerves.

I'm watching Harry Potter and the philosophers stone right now.. or well, it's on the television and the telvision is on, so I'm sort of watching it.. It's such a nice film and Daniel Radcliffe was so young a sweet back then xD I remember I had a huge crush on him. hehe

All you need is tea? naah

I'm bored so I decided to make
myself a cup of tea... it's delicous :D
Hot, milky tea with sugar :D
I'm in heaven.. xD

Help me! Pretty pretty please?

okay, I'm screwed.. big time!
Next Saturday I am going to celebrate my 18th birthday.. that's not the problem as I'm really looking forward to it and all, but the thing is that I'm going to have a disco themed party.. And I have nothing to wear! absolutely no idea whatsoever about what to wear... :(

I was actually going to order a huge afro wig on the internet, but they were all sold out.. how typical is that? :(

So PLEASE.. And then I mean PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE, let me know if you have any ideas of what I can wear. if anyone has seen a disco inspired outfit in a store or something lately, please let me know... it would be aweful if I was the least disco dressed at the birthday as it is my birthday after all x)

Splashing foam xD

I'm done cleaning the kitchen and washing the dishes.. or atleast the dishes that can't be washed in the dishwasher.. So after a lot of foam and water splash all over the place I'm prepared to get my parents home, and my mum will hopefully not go mental as she would have done if I hadn't cleaned every little spot around in the house :P

Young Love... awwww x)

I'm in love with the song Young Love by Mystery Jets. Somehow it reminds me of something, but I can't think of what.. Any idea what it can be, please comment? Atleast it is worth to check out :) It makes me happy when I listen to it :D

Happy Easter! :D

Today is it Easter Sunday and I have to clean the house a bit before my parents come home =/

But first: HAPPY EASTER! I forgot to write it last night xD I hope everyone who reads this (and also those who don't) will have a nice Easter :

And lucky me got an Easter egg yesterday :D With lots of candy inside.. I haven't eaten much though x) Sorry about the picture.. it's terrible and it looks like I have some sort of retarded hands.. hehe

anyway, it's me with my Easter egg right after waking up x} that's why the tired look.

DAIMboller :D

I'm home again after being with Silje this evening. I ate dinner with her and her family and it was all very nice :) We also went down to the gas station and bought some Daim buns :) They were quite delicious. We also watched this british crime series which was sort of creepy.

On the way home it was freezing outside (-10C) but it was beautiful weather. It was loads of stars on the sky and I think it was full moon. Atleast it was huge and bright xD So there I was wandering listening to the silence, because my mp3 decided to die a little because of the batteries, but I actually enjoy listening to the silence :) I was looking up in the sky and suddenly I manage to crash into a lamp post.. That was how fascinated I got by watching the stars :] I felt kind of clumsy, but I think I was the only one walking there at the moment so no one saw me... Even though I probably wouldn't care anyway, because it was worth it as I was watching the sky :D hehe

But then I'm off to bed :) I'm sleepy... xD ZZzzzz

lørdag 22. mars 2008

Late Of The Pier :)

The sun is shining.. atleast that is something.. but the snow hasn't melted yet :( or some of it, but it's still white outside.. and I'd rather prefer green right now x)

I'm listening to music and scribbling on a yellow paper.. not anything in particular.. just scribbling, just random shite.. the pen I use is actually very good to write with, maybe that's the reason why I'm scribbling? I like to write, even though I don't have anything to write.. That is why I'm scribbling.. scribbling, not writing. maybe you can call it something between drawing and scribbling? I have no idea. Anyway.. while doing so, I'm also drinking icecoffee :D it doesn't look too delicious on the picture, but trust me it is :)

I also played a bit on my guitar earlier :) Just sitting there playing on the strings and hear the notes I don't know the name of going through the room :) And I especially like my little guitar amp xD It's 5 W :) Isn't it cute? :P

Easter Eve :]

Today I woke up with a sore throat.. I have no idea why, but it feels like it is swollen or something. not nice! x)

I'm still home alone and I'm enjoying it to the fullest! :D My parents will be home tomorrow (late I hope), and I'm not really looking forward to it.. I think I will be okay when moving for myself sometime in the future, but I'm sure it can be a bit lonely after a while. But then again, I'm only been home alone for a week, so I guess I can't really compare. And when I eventually move for myself will it probably be abroad as I have a dream about studying in the UK :) So, my conclusion is that it probably can be a bit scary to move for myself x) But if I end up in the UK, let's hope there are some british people I can throw tea parties with! HAHA xD

I just got out of the shower, and while showering I had my dear, but old and a bit crappy CD player on full volume. I played Foo Fighters latest album - Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace which I'm absolutely in love with at the moment :D I love the songs "Home" and "Statues" along with the single "The Pretender" ofcourse.. or, I pretty much love all the songs :D

Later today I am going to Silje and eat dinner with her and her family so that will be nice :) Because after all is it Easter Eve so it will be nice to have company xD

fredag 21. mars 2008

Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong :D

AWWWWWW! Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong wrote in my comment thingy at myspace :D :D :D How cool is that!?
ooh, bad quality though x) but still :P

Gitaren min er ganske koselig :]

Baaah, jeg kjeder meg jeg.. noe sånn helt grusomt. eller egentlig ikke sånn helt ekstremt, men ganske mye kjedsomhet på gang her ja. Uansett... Jeg har akkurat tralla litt med gitaren min, noe som alltid er litt koslig, men som ikke alltid høres helt bra ut. Men jeg har da ihvertfall stemt den så det er mulig jeg bare er veldig tonedøv, som jeg forresten faktisk er. Men jeg liker gitaren min jeg, så da får den høres ut akkurat som den vil :D

Mamma ringte akkurat for å høre at alt var bra i heimen.. For hu har jo fått det for seg at jeg skulle be hele Hamar på fest.. :/ Men heldigvis for hu så har jeg jo ikke det, så da var det problemet ute av verden.

Ellers skjer det ganske lite her.

So I'll go back to my guitar xD

Snow again? :(

Last night I felt asleep on the livingroom floor.. well, on purpose :) As I'm home alone I thought I could find a more interesting place to sleep than in my bed, and as our livingroom floor is quite big, why not sleep there? :P but it turned out to be quite uncomfortable, so in the middle of the night I wandered around in the house to find as many pillows as possible xD haha^^ Much better ;P

When I eventually woke up (and I woke up early, because it still wasn't very comfortable to sleep on the floor), there was alot of snow outside! About 10cm or something :( It's cold and windy outside, so the "melting process" will be long :( And I who was happy watching the snow slowly melting more and more each day, and now it is all back to the scratch.. It really piss me off xP

SNOW? wtf?

F*cking snow! I'm on my way to bed, and when I'm opening the window I look out and see it has come some snow... that STICKS!!! I don't want snow that sticks to the ground :(
I wish it could decide whether to snow and stick or just not snow at all! Because I doubt there's anyone in Norway that actually want snow now..

So now I crossing my fingers and hope that when I wake up tomorrow, the snow will be gone, and it will be yet another sunny day WITHOUT snow :D

Please hope so with me ? xD

torsdag 20. mars 2008

and then I was done vacuuming the whole house, and I tell you that is quite exhausting.. atleast I'm very exhausted now. There's these dustbunnies hiding under the sofa, on top of things, and basically just all over the place, and some of them can be hard to get. So I've been crawling all over and trying to get the house as undusty as possible, when vacuuming all the dusty little bastards and I think I managed to do a good job :)

All you need is some music I suppose, so I was dancing around with the vacuum cleaner in one hand and the Swiffer Duster in the other. And believe it or not, it was a bit fun :D hehe

The time really flies by, doesn't it?

As just mentioned in the last posting, about that it is only one week left to my birthday, makes me think about how fast the time really flies by.. atleast this last year has gone so fast that it is almost scary. This is my second year at high school, where everything was going to be so different about subjects and classes, and the new school building and about not being the youngest students at school. But to be honest it hasn't been that different as I thought it would be.. The huge schoolbuilding wasn't so huge anymore after going there for a few weeks and the new subjects wasn't so interesting as I thought they would be. Well, other than spanish which I really love.. I guess I can call myself a spanish geek, but that is probably the most exciting subject this year. But to be honest, my spanish class sucks! xD

On the other hand, I'm so glad I only have one year left at school. Or 1 year and 3 months left. I really hope the last year will be better, and I think it will, as I won't have french, math and history&philosophy anymore.. HAPPY TIMES :D Plus that it will probably give me more motivation to think about that it's just that one year left, and then I can go somewhere and study whatever I want to study :] it will be such a great feeling :]

But enough about my thoughts about how fast the time flies. Everybody probably notice that to a certain point, and right now I felt I just wanted to share those thoughts here on my blog.

Au Revoir :)

It's snowing outside.. not sure if you can call it snowing, but atleast there's something white falling down from heaven which I don't like.
I'm listening to Adele. She has such a beautiful voice for being only 19 years old. It's very realxing to listen to that kind of music :)

by the way: It's only one week left till my birthday.. my 18th birthday! xD

Putting on sheets? Not that easy I tell you!

As I have nothing better to do, I guess I can inform you (whoever you are who read my blog), that I've just changed my bed sheets and that is not an easy job. I have this "loftbed" or whatever it is called + that I can be very undecisive when it comes to what sheets to put on. I'm strange :S .. but, after singing along to a song by Kings of Leon I eventually chose a white one with red hearts on. Like you care anyway :P Then the problem was to get the sheets on. It's very narrow up there, so to crawl around there putting on the sheets is hard work.. haha^^ :D but now it's done, so I guess I won't go any deeper in details :P


Swiffing my Swiffer Duster.. Oh yeah!

After breakfast Silje came, and then Lise and her went away without me, taking my Kooks T-shirt, acoustic guitar and cowboyhat along because apparently are they planning something for my birthday.. I have no idea what they are going to use those things for... hmm..

Anyway. then I'm again all alone in my house, and I'll probably be playing a housewife as I better have to vacuum and clean my room the few hours they will be away.. I also managed to fix my clock on the wall which has been set on an hour ahead the last year. so the last year my clock has shown Finnish time...

Michael Jackson is on full volume, so atleast I have some music to dance along to while swiffing my Swiffer Duster around in the house.. hehe

so then I'm off. wish me luck ;P

After eating a very slowly breakfast, we eventually managed to go down to the mall.. There we met Bjørg and walked around with her for a while, while she was waiting for her boyfriend to be done at work. We went through almost every single store and all I ended up buying was a necklace x)

Then we went to downtown Hamar, in the main "shoppingstreet" and went to a café :] There we bought this delicious fruitcake and drank Coffee Irish Cream :D which is the same order we had there when Lise was here last time x)
While we were at the café it started to hail alot, so when we came out again, there were lots of white dots all over the ground.

On the way home it got quite windy, and the sun was hiding behind almost every single house, so I sort of ran from sunspot to sunspot. :)

To dinner today we made "Wraps" :D which was yummy. We also watched a few films :)

Godnatt :)

onsdag 19. mars 2008

Wednesday today right?

Last night me and Lise ended up making brownies.. but you can never get enough of brownies so that's pretty much all I have to say :D

Today we woke up to a bunch of uneaten brownies, and I've now managed to make Lise fancy tea! :O I'm quite proud of that :]

We had to get up early, because my dad had ordered some new wheels to his motorbike, and then someone had to be home to get them... So a guy came with them, so half sleeping I had to get out to sign that the wheels were delievered xD

Our plans for today is to go to the mall.. =/ but as my dear friend is a shopaholic I guess that's very importent for her.. haha^^

Anyways, then I'm off to eat breakfast xD and to drink another cup of tea! :O
So I'll be back with updates :)

tirsdag 18. mars 2008

The sun is shining and everything is beautiful :D

Today is it beautiful weather outside :D I absolutely love the sun!
I got up a bit earlier today than I've done lately, which means around 10, as I was going to meet Lise at the railwaystation at 1.50pm. She came from her cabin up in the mountains and she's going to be at my place till Friday :)
So we went through the main "shopping"street and already in the first store we went in to, she managed to made me buy a dress. And I'm pretty much broke.. but it was on sale though xD

Now I'm listening to The Kooks on full volum while Lise is taking a shower after being isolated at her cabin since Saturday! :o
and I'm soon going to make myself a huge cup of tea :D

mandag 17. mars 2008

Happy to be in Hamar.. well, almost x)

Right now I'm pretty happy to be in Hamar.. well, compared to where my parents are. This is actually my first Easter holiday EVER at home, because every single Easter holiday the last 17 years I have been forced up to our cabin in the mountains (well, that has just been the last few years, because when I was younger I didn't kn0w any better), but this year (finally) I managed to convince my parents to be alone at home and not have to deal with 3 meters of snow, and snowstorms at our cabin. Every time I'm there in the winter I feel like I'm far away from civilization and totally lost in all the snow. And I'll rather be home where the snow is soon gone, than up there where it snows almost constantly.

On the other hand though, I would love to be where my brother is. He's in Thailand on a school trip (well, first 2 weeks in China, then 1 week holiday in Thailand). How lucky is he? He has promised to buy lots of postcards to me though, as I love postcards xD and it's pretty exotic over in Asia, so it will be nice to get those postcards :] hehe

That's pretty much all I have on my mind now. If you're interested, I'm listening to "Kings of Leon - Youth and Young Manhood" at this very moment. I love that album :D



Lightspeed Champion :)

Awwwww :( I just found out that Lightspeed Champion is coming to Norway... On my birthday!

But I can't go all the way to Oslo that day as I'll probably go out with some friends as it is my birthday.. It's so typical! Why?! I really want to see Devonte Hynes live! :(

søndag 16. mars 2008

Taking a walk on a Sunday :]

Today I went for a walk with Silje.. or a so-called "Sunday trip". We went down to the beach and went through an area in Hamar called Jessnes(which is by the lake). It was lovely weather and there were lots of other people taking a walk. We went all the way to a place called "Fiskehytta" (the fisher cabin"), where we bought waffles :D
After that we went to a bench and ate oranges and hot chocolate :] So it was sort of a picnic. It was quite cosy. After a while the sun disappered behind the skies, and it became very windy =/

lørdag 15. mars 2008


Today I watched the film Elizabethtown. It was cute, but I guess I got a bit impatient, so after a while it got quite boring.. But I loved the end! :D and I really liked the soundtrack as it was alot of good music.. one of my favorite songs of all time were in it too: Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird :]

Vann med banansmak? hmm, interessant! xD

Hvor utrolig søt er ikke denne flaska her?

Idag vettu, da jeg var med foreldra mine på butikken kom jeg over denne flaska :D Da måtte jeg nesten bare ha en, og hvorfor ikke snylte litt på foreldra mine når de først var med? :P

Ganske så sjelden man kommer over et eller anna drikkelig med banansmak annet enn milkshake så da er det jo bare å prøve den ut... Den er faktisk ganske så forfriskende, men minner meg litt om hos tannlegen.. ikke spør hvorfor, og tolk det hvordan du vil, men jeg synes den var litt sånn fræsh :D

Café Latte is good :]

And then it was Saturday :D Today I slept in, which is always nice on a Saturday. Then, after alot of nagging from my mum, I eventually got up and then went to the supermarket with her and my dad, to buy food and such for Easter, as I will be home while they are going to the cabin we have up in the mountains xD

The sun is shining and I wore my sunglasses :D Life is good!

At Maxi (which is the only "mall" in Hamar, and is really dull and boring in my opinion), I ended up buying a Café Latte while walking after my parents in all the food sections xD

In other words.. a very er... interesting day so far.. ehrm... =/

I'm now back home after eating this delicious pizza at Dolly Dimple's and for dessert I ate icecream :D I love icecream :] In all colors and tastes :) hehe
We ordered a half n' half pizza which conisted of two pizzas called "Dirty Harry" (which by the way is also a really good actionfilm with Clint Eastwood xD), and "Jean Paul's hens".. hehe.. they have all these weird names on pizzas at Dolly's. Last time I was there I ate this pizza called "Kamasutra". hmmm

We had a nice time, and before walking home we went to Hydranten, a venue in Hamar where Marielle works, just to say hi to her xD it was quite cold outside also (about -2*C), so it was a good excuse to be inside for a while :P

fredag 14. mars 2008


What is it with dogs that find it convenient to shit when I'm passing by,,,?
That has been happening about three or four times the last 2 months when I have been walking to school, or happily on my way home from school.. I'm starting to feel it's not randomly :P for all I know they may get this inspiration or whatever you would call it, to please the grass with some fertilizer :P

When I'm first talking about shit, I can mention that I (as unfortunate as I am) tread in a dogshit on the way home from school today :[ They are all over the place, after laying under the snow the whole winter waiting for the spring to come so people can tread in them... Nasty little creatures :P Luckily is it still some snow left (and I never thought I would say that, as I want the snow to go away NOW), but then I could get it away from my shoes xD hehe...

I'm not even sure why I'm writing about shit here.. quite silly of me, but this is my blog, and then you just have to get used to my daily life, and all the little things that happens, so why not write about shit for change :P

Anyway, the point with this post was to write about that today was my last schoolday and now I don't have school before Tuesday the 25th March because of Easter :D Happy times! :D

Fridays are one of the better days at school, only Spanish, Norwegian and P.E lessons... Today in P.E we had dancing, and not any dance, but SWING! xO
I'm one of the people who have no coordination or rhythm whatsoever, so I'm not very fond of dancing in general. But we danced.. and danced.. and it wasn't as bad as I thought even though I suck. But I have to admit that it was a little bit fun :)

Now I've been home for quite a few hours, and after taking a shower, I'm starting to enjoy my holiday :D Later this evening I am going out with some friends to have a pizza to sort of celebrate that we have Easter holdiday, and one of my best friends who has just got her driving licence is going to pick me up :] So that can be interesting.

I'm listening to Little Man Tate atm :D they are cool! :D

Au Revoir! x]

torsdag 13. mars 2008


I've got a song stucked on my mind.. it's quite anoying even though I love the song.. It's The Libertines - Time for Heroes, and I can't get it out.. I'm sure if you were a fly on the wall, you would see me walking/sitting or whatever humming/singing on that song quite alot :) But I guess I can't help it, as I've been listening to that song alot lately :D The song is awesome :]


YAY! The Thursday is over and there's only one more day to go :D

Even though it was Thursday (and I HATE Thursdays), this one wasn't too bad actually.. I began at 10 because my history&philosophy teacher is still in Rome. After that I had the math test... and that was probably the worst thing this day, and there's not much to be said about the test :P
The last lesson I had french, but the teacher was ill today (:D), so we just sat there pretending to do tasks.. or we actually did.. Me and my friend Marielle done all of them pretty fast so we could go home :D (We had to hand them in you see :{. but it was okay, and now I'm home :D Home sweet home :)

onsdag 12. mars 2008

The Libertines - I Get Along

Jeg måtte bare adde en musikkvideo av The Libertines jeg :) De er så kule skjønner du :P

Og Carl Barât er FIIIN :D

Så enjoy ;)

and btw:

It's 2 schooldays left before Easter, and in 2 weeks and about 2,5 hours I'll turn 18 :D

and then it was to study for the math test tomorrow:[

Or, I was suppose to..

I just came back from a friend, where we were suppose to study for the math test we have tomorrow.. But instead we ended up baking
brownies... but you have to admit it... How can you resist brownies, and especially when you're supposed to do math? Atleast I can't xD
So there we are in the kitchen, after going to the supermarket to buy ingredients; Silje burning her finger while I'm eating dough :D That's the way it's supposed to be :D well, except for a burnt finger though, but that's how it goes when one is too eager to eat the
brownies xD

All in all we had a nice time, except I'm not any smarter when it comes to math, than I was when I went to her 5 hours ago xD HAHA^^

so I better open my mathbook now, to do some cramming in the last minute :P

The day off :D

I have the day off today, which I love :D I have lots of homework/studying to do, but anything is better than being stuck inside school xD I'm sitting in the livingroom, watching American Dad, listening to Arctic Monkeys and drinking tea :) Quite nice compination in my opinion :P
Here's the tea I'm drinking btw xD haha^^ very tasty :D

tirsdag 11. mars 2008

Wolfmother :D

Genius lads from Australia :D

I ♥ PIE :D

Now I've just eaten this delicious pie.. okay, here we go again about what I've eaten, but trust me, this pie is worth to mention xD

but now I'm back to doing my tragic and boring math homework.. I don't really want to do them, but I guess I have to, because as mentioned before, I have this math test on Thursday :! but I have the day off tomorrow (YAY) :D, so no need to rush too much :P

I'm listening to the song "Are You Experienced" by Jimi Hendrix, and while listening to it, I usually sing along :D I love the song, but I doubt anyone would if they heard me sing it :P but still.. I have to have something to do while doing my math homework :P


Short day at school :D

Today is a pretty good day, as I ended at school at 10 :D We were supposed to have french, but the teacher was sick, so we could just work individually, which also can mean that we can go home xD hehe

The weather today is depressing as it has been raining alot, but on the good side is it sort of springish :D So far I haven't got any plans for today, but I think I should start studying for my mathtest on Thursday :(

That's my news so far today.. I'll be back later :)

mandag 10. mars 2008

Great film :D

I just got back from the cinema after talking to Silje, Sara and Sigrid for quite a long time on the way home, and WOW, the film was awesome! :D Quite bloody, but great ;P Most of the musicals I've seen have been good, and so was this one. The music was good, and I simply love the way Johnny Depp acts :D He's a genius!

While watching the film I ate a delicious caramel muffin :D
On the way down from the cinema salon, there were lots of stairs, and I had to walk sideways as my legs still hurt :/ it sucks..

I haven't done any of my homework for tomorrow, so I think I'm kinda screwed, but anyway..
Right now I'm listening to some Jimi Hendrix, which always gets me in a good mood :D

Sweeney Todd, here I come :D

I've just eaten dinner and soon I will get ready to go to the cinema. A friend of mine got three free tickets from the bank (don't ask me why), but she asked me and another friend to join her, and I don't say no to go the cinema for free :P I haven't been to the cinema in ages, as i've been sort of boycotting it, as it is so bloody expensive to go there! I'm weird xD but sometimes I don't really want to pay almost 100kroner/16$/8,5£ to watch a film. I think the last time I was at the cinema was last summer when Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix had premiere :)

We're going to watch Sweeney Todd, which I've heard alot of good critics about, and as it has Johnny Depp in it, it can't be bad! xD hehe
I'm really looking forward to it actually :D

But then I'm off.. :)

History & Philosophy --- > Not today :D :D

I'm sitting in the library.... again... I'm suppose to have history & philosophy but as the teacher is in Rome, we've only got this huge task which consists of a bunch of papers :/

Sigrid wants money so she can buy a waffle, while I want money so I can get out of this country :D

-Sigrid wants waffles NOOOW!!- and off she goes to the cafeteria to buy one xD
-Marit wants to go to ENGLAND :D :D :D- but tragically enough is she just a poor student :(

Would you like to know what we're doing?

As I have nothing better to do that writing bullshit on my blog, I thought I would inform all of my non-existing blog readers, what me and my friends are doing right now, while sitting by a round table in the library :)

Mari next to me is working hard on the English project she is having about red telephoneboxes, while Ingvild is checking out messages on MSN.. Andrea on the other side is on facebook. I'm writing this blog (like you haven't already noticed) while reading about Black Sabbath on wikipedia....

But I'm off, as I'm going down to the cafeteria to buy lunch. They better have to have something good there today, as I'm already quite hungry xD


I'm at school, and I'm tired =/ I hate it..

As last Monday, I'm also this Monday working on the english project about British Music Through Times :] I'm still not sure what I will present, but I think it will be punk, britpop, new wave and probably some artists/bands in each of the genres :) Which will surely include The Clash and Blur :D

It's raining, but what's good about that, is that lots of the snow and ice will melt :)

and that's about it.. I'll be back later :]

søndag 9. mars 2008

Limping around in the house

awww, my legs hurt so badly : They are so sore and stiff after last night.. Why didn't anyone warn me about it, before I started to jump around on the dancefloor? or at least let me know that it could be a good idea to stretch out before going to bed? I feel like I'm limping around in the house x)

I'm restless and I want to do something fun :] But what?

Any suggestions? PLEASE COMMENT! :D

I'm so tired :/ I was at a birthdayparty to three of my friends last night, and it was alot of fun! I woke up around 1 today as I wasn't home before quite late, and every time I wake up that late, I feel the day is wasted. My feet are sore after jumping and dancing around like crazy. But still, I had a an awesome time! :D

So far I haven't done much. My aunt and uncle and two of my cousins have just been here for an hour or so, as they are going to an icehockey match with my dad. I'm planning to watch a film later, but I'm not sure which one. Other than that, I guess this will be an ordinary Sunday....

...... AND it's only 1 week left at school! :D which means 4 schooldays as I have the day off on Wednesday! WOOP! :D

lørdag 8. mars 2008

The International Women's Day :]

Today is the International Women's Day!

Hooray for all the women! :)

80's PARTY :D

Hmm, strange.. the post under seems to have wrong date and time... but it was posted about 6 if you'd like to know ;)

Now I'm back from the party :) Sad I had to leave so early :( But it was alot of fun :D First we ate this delicious curry chicken meal.. :) Flotte greier Anna! :) and after that the birthdaykid (Anna) unwrapped her presents :) She actually got some Jelly Beans from another friend, and they were quite interesting x) Even though I got one that tasted like... ehm.. not sure how to describe it, but it wasn't very tasty :P but on the other side there were alot of intersting tastes :)
During the evening some guys came and went, me and Guro had a balloonfight and everyone were making bigger boobs with ballons.. And yes, we were all just a bunch of 80's inspired teenagers :D Which means lots of fun :D

I also got the hickups lots of times xD HAHA^^

But now I'm thinking about going to bed.. I'm having a bad headache which isn't very good, so I'll try and rest my head with some sweet dreams :) I actually had this weird dream the other day I'm not going to write about here :P

Goodnight and sweet dreams :]

The 80's :)

Finally Friday!

Today I've been quite busy.. First I had this stupid history test (which I don't want to say too much about, I guess I will just wait for the results and see how it went :P) and after school I had to go to the mall to buy a birthday present to a friend.. A friend of mine is going to celebrate her 18th birthday today, and the theme for the party will be the 80's :] It's going to be so much fun! I'm done with my outfit and everything, all I had left to buy was some legwarmers.. but now that's done :)

But I better get going to take a shower as friend will soon turn up so we can get ready to go to the party :)

torsdag 6. mars 2008

History cramming

I'm exhausted.. well, maybe not exhausted, but quite tired after reading history the whole day.. or at least tried to read history... Right now I am eating some crackers :) and yes, I'm also drinking a cup of tea :D (I'm weak) :P but I think it fits quite well to history cramming xD

The day has gone so fast, and I feel I still don't know enough history to have the bloody test tomorrow... but I will probably manage to do it the easy way, and write down alot of bullshit... sometimes it might turn out to give a good grade.. HAHA^^ but we'll see.

Other than that, I recommend everyone who read this posting to check out The Last Shadow Puppets' single "The Age of The Understatement" :D it's just fabolous :]

I'm back to the history, so goodbye for now :/

Countdown :

3 WEEKS left till MY BIRTHDAY :]

And 5 Schooldays before the EASTER HOLIDAY! ;D

I want chocolate chip cookies c',)

AWWWW, how delicious doesn't these cookies look like?!

The Age of The Understatement =]

Vel, nå hadde jeg store planer om å ha en sånn liten te-avvenning sånn for meg selv, men det funka dårlig.. Idag da jeg våkna bare måtte jeg har litt te, og sånn ble det x) Men nå har jeg da heller ikke drukket te på så mye som 2 dager, og idag skal jeg tross alt sitte inne og jobbe med historie hele dagen, så synes nesten jeg fortjener det xD HAHA^^ Jeg er patetisk :P Men sånn går det når man er litt for glad i te x) Og som Marielle kalte det, kan jeg jo kalle det for mine fem-om-dagen :) Det er jo tross alt frukt og bær te jeg drikker.. :]

Uansett.. Idag har jeg studiedag.. Utolig deilig å ha fri på en torsdag, selvom jeg på pugge skikkelig mye til en historieprøve jeg har imorra. Men nok om det.

Alex Turner (Arctic Monkeys) and Miles Kane (The Rascals) have gone together to make an album (a project), and their group name is The Last Shadow Puppets :] The Album is called "The Age of the Understatement" and it will be released on April 21. I can't wait!
Anyway... They've released the first single, with the same title as the album : "The Age og Understatement" and it's frikken AWESOME :D You can see the video here:

You better check it out! :D
They're geniuses!

"Kiss me properly and pull me apart"

onsdag 5. mars 2008

OH NO! It's snowing! :O

It's snowing!!! Why must it snow when I want it all to go away. Apparantly haven't the weathergods or whoever's sitting up there controlling the weather, got the part that I DON'T want anymore snow :P HAHA^^ it better be warm weather tomorrow so it all will melt. I'm so sick of the snow right now x) It always snows when I don't want it to, but it never snows when I actually want some snow... WHYYY?

Analyse a novel? WTF :{

Home sweet home :) I got home about an hour ago, and the whole day we had Norwegian :( We had to analyse a novel or a poem which is so extremely boring, and we weren't even allowed to listen to music! :O but now is it over, and I managed to write a whole lot of bullshit to turn it :D I'm sort of proud about that, because when it usually comes to analyse things, I'm not the person to ask xD I'm not a very deep person :P

Anyway, tomorrow I'm off from school to have a studyday at home.. aaaaah, that will be just great :D and the best thing is that it is on a Thursday :D No history&philosophy, maths, English or French for me :] but on the other hand, I have to study for the history test on friday : but it's okay.. I will actually rather deal with the vikings than have all those crappy subjects I just mentioned ;)

On the way home from school today it was awefully cold.. not just cold, but really windy too.. I hate the weather.. and I who had a springfeeling here the other day :( it better has to come soon, unless it want to make me depressed :P

tirsdag 4. mars 2008

6 schooldays left :D

Da var jeg hjemme fra skolen og tirsdagen er over :D Imorra begynner jeg klokka 10, så livet er flott akkurat nå xD Blir litt småstressa da, siden vi har så sinnsykt mye å gjøre <_<
Dagen gikk ganske greit idag. Istedenfor å ha den samme gamle happy clappy fransk lærern, hadde vi en ganske så snål gammel mann... men timen gikk faktisk bitte litte granne fortere enn hva den ellers gjør.

Akkurat nå sitter jeg og sliter med Historie & Filosofi :( Det er helt grusomt og jeg skjønner ikke en dritt.... menmen...

Men nå er jeg sulten, så da tusler jeg.

Hejdå ;)

PS: It's 6 school days left before EASTER :D

mandag 3. mars 2008

I'm bored. It's Monday, so I think that's just how it is... to be bored on Mondays I mean.. And guess what..; I'm drinking tea.. again.. I thought I would drop to mention it, but here you go.. here's more and more proves that says I'm a huge tea addict =/

I've just done some history studying as I have a test on Friday.. and I'm still dealing with the vikings... And now they're really starting to bug me... Jeg får rett og slett litt småNOJA!
So now I'm just relaxing, writing here on my blog and watching a Jimi Hendrix live DVD :D

Why did he die before I got to see him live? :(