torsdag 19. juni 2008

Then I'm off to Croatia/Hungary :]

Then I'm off to Croatia/Hungary for about 2,5 week. So during that time I'll probably not be able to blog, as I'll be spending lots of the time at the beach xD
So hope everyone will have a nice summer holiday :D

I end with a music video by Dirty Pretty Things: "Tired of England"

Tuesday morning, Carl Barât, the frontman in the band was sent to the hospital with major stomach pains, and was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. I hope he will be fine! :)

onsdag 18. juni 2008

Sweden vs Russia

I can't find my goggles! :( But other than that, I think I have most of the packing under control, and if I would be in big need of some goggles, they probably have it in Croatia :) hehe

Well, over to something else.. These days is it UEFA European Football Championship in Switzerland/Austria, and at this very moment is Russia and Sweden playing against eachother. I'm not a big footballfan, but why not have a bit of a football blogentry :P Even though Sweden is our dear neighbours and all, I think I'll hope for Russia to go further to the quarter-finals. And so far it seems like they will :)

What's a bit cool though, is that on Friday 20th June, Croatia will play against Turkey, and that day I'll be in Zagreb, so it will probably be alot of happy football crowds around town. That can be interesting :)

packing, packing and more packing :S

Today is it all about packing.. and packing.. and more packing, because tomorrow I'm off to Hungary/Croatia :D I was suppose to get up early, but as usual when I'm suppose to do that, I always end up ignoring the alarm, and fall asleep again for a few more hours.

I'm trying as best as I can to sort of what I want to bring, but it's much to choose from, and it can be hard to decide which dress or so you want to bring.. at least I'm like that, and can be very indecisive at times. My suitcase is still empty, while my sofa on the other hand is stuffed with clothes and other things which probably will end in my suitcase evenutally. This time I've written a list of things I have to bring, but I'm still nervous if I've forgotten to add something. But if I end up forgetting something, I guess I can buy it down there. So I really shouldn't be so stressed out :P

My CD player has been on the whole day, and my parents and even my brother is complaining about me having it on too loud... Jeeez, it really gets on my nerves, because I'm not the one going in and out from my room to find something in MY closet, and still have to complain about MY music.. that's them... then keep away from my room then! :[

But then I better go back to more packing. Hopefully won't my suitcase be too stuffed :]

Hejdå! :)

tirsdag 17. juni 2008

Los Campesinos - My Year In Lists

I love Los Campesinos! They seem to be a bunch of cool people from Wales :]
Here's their single My Year In Lists.


Minibanken som slukte kortet mitt :(

Da var endelig siste skoledag overstått og jeg er ferdig med dette skoleåret :D :D :D

Idag skulle vi da møte i en slags parksak, hvor det skulle være volleyballturnering osv med hele skolen. Været var passe tragisk, men heldigvis lysna det opp, og ble ganske så flott etterhvert.

Jeg og noen venner satte oss på plenen og bare glodde rundt, til vi fant ut at det var på tide med pølsegrilling... :) Det var vel egentlig det som skjedde i skoletida, for en stund etter pølsegrillinga, gikk jeg og 3 venner ned til byen for å ta en kaffe kopp.. En såkaldt Café Irish Cream var nå det jeg kjøpte meg, og den smakte helt nydelig :D

3 av oss fortsatte videre, og tusla rundt i byen, helt til jeg fant ut at jeg ville sjekke kontoen min, for jeg fikk nemlig lønning her om dagen :D Men tror du ikke denna teite minibanken hadde lyst til å angripe kortet mitt? ikke bare angripe det heller, men sluke det rett ned... Smart som jeg var hadde jeg greid å dytta inn kortet dobbelt (det vil si at jeg ikke tok det ut og inn som jeg skulle, men bare inn inn..) hehe.. og da tok maskina kortet mitt.. Jeg ble da litt frustrert, men fikk etter ganske lang kø i banken forklart situasjonen.. Og etter noen telefoner hit og dit fra mannen bak skranken, fikk jeg tilslutt dytta bankkortet mitt ned i lommeboka hvor det faktisk er trygt.. Det som var litt komisk da, var at på kvitteringa jeg fikk sto det faktisk "Kort slukt" og en såkalt slukkode.. snåle greier..

Videre vandra vi til maxi, hvor jeg også fikk brukt kortet mitt (var litt nervøs for evt flere nedslukninger) så da ordna visst alt seg til slutt.

Nå sitter jeg hjemme og skal prøve å planlegge litt om hva jeg skal ha med meg til Kroatia/Ungarn.. Det er litt vrient skal jeg si deg, og akkurat nå er det spørsmålet om hvilket badehåndkle jeg skal ha med meg, som surrer rundt i hodet mitt... Det står da mellom et knæsj grønt ett (og jeg liker jo grønt) eller London håndkle mitt med trykk av kartet over undergrunnen i London (og jeg elsker jo London:D).. Vi får se hva det blir til...

Uansett, håper du har hatt en flott dag!

Jeg er skikkelig happy nå for at jeg endelig er ferdig med skolen :D :D :D

Iskrem og ikke så mye annet som skjedde :)

Yesterday I wasn't bothered to write. But there isn't much to say about yesterday, other than I had only one lesson at school (which typically was the first one, so I had to get up early), and that the rest of the day I spent pretty much the whole day by doing nothing. Or at least nothing that is worth to mention in the first place :)
I ate an icecream though:

Definately one of my favourites:]

søndag 15. juni 2008

Ghost :)

I might have been a bit of a film geek today :) But I do like to watch films and as I've borrowed lots of films at the school library and have to deliever them tomorrow, I then decided to watch yet another film xD

This time Ghost with Demi Moore, Patrick Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg. An okay film :) I've got addicted to making smoothies lately, so while watching the film, I drank a pink smoothie :D

I want the summer to come! :S The real summer!

soaked wet =/

When I went to work this morning (11 o'clock, so luckily not too early), it was nice weather and the sun was shining.. That, apparently, didn't want to last. As the hours went by the skies became darker and darker and darker... When it was time for me to go home, it still hadn't begun to rain so I changed my clothes quick so I could try and get home before the rain started... but guess what!? The second I came out of the door it starts to rain! THE SECOND...! How typical is that.. So I'm soaked and the only thing that isn't wet is my hair, thanks to the scooter helmet... but still.. I feel like a drowned cat.. my hands are turquiose because of my green scarf (and god knows why). I guess I should be changing to some comfy clothes :)

And, I got my allowance today.. So I no longer feel I'm broke xD

lørdag 14. juni 2008

The Departed and wrapped pizza

Hmm, today hasn't much been happening.. pretty much nothing really.. I made myself some pizza for dinner, as I'm all alone at home and all.. Not any pizza though, but Marit's wrapped pizza :D Yes, a wrapped pizza is also called Calzone, but the one I make doesn't really look like a calzone so then I prefere to call it wrapped.. :) Or maybe it does look like one, but anyway..

While eating this quite delicious wrapped thingy:

I watched the drama/thriller film The Departed.

That was a strange, but interesting film, and not the sort of genre I usually watch. It was sort of bang bang you're dead, but despite of that there were three awesome actors in it. Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson. And in my opinion that just has to make a film good xD

fredag 13. juni 2008

Calzone :)

Nå er jeg ganske så sulten, så da er det bare å vente på at calzonen min blir ferdig inne i ovnen. Istad tok jeg oppvasken fra igår etter å ha lagd brownies med Silje og Sigrid, og jeg liker rett og slett ikke å ta oppvasken :/ Men det måtte gjøres. Nå snart skal jeg til byen med Silje og Sigrid, og i dag er det "natt" åpent rundt om i Hamar. Det vil si at butikkene er åpne til klokka 12, og at det er litt liv i byen, tiltross for det litt triste været. Jeg håper ihvertfall det. Men det blir nok så bra så :)

Jeg gleder meg, og håper det er noen festlige ting på salg. Jeg liker salg.

Men nå tror jeg at jeg hører et lite pip fra oven, altså ovnen oppe, og da er det bare å gå å redde calzonen min ut fra ovnen :) Nam

Åja, idag er det fredag den 13...

Ha en flott kveld.


Jeg er litt tom for ideer om hva jeg kan skrive om her. Jeg begynner å bli lei av blogspot, siden det er så sinnsykt få muligheter og at layouten min her er stygg, men samtidig så har jeg skrevet såpass mye på bloggen at jeg egentlig ikke har lyst til å bytte om til f.eks Det blir som å bare forlate bloggen min, for så å skrive et annet sted.. Så nå vet jeg liksom ikke helt hva jeg skal gjøre.

Og nå kjeder jeg meg også. Hva skal jeg finne på idag? :]

The Last Shadow Puppets - Standing Next To Me

The Last Shadow Puppets have done it again! :D

They've made a new music video, this time to the song Standing Next To Me, and I just have to smile when watching it!
Great video, and Alex Turner look quite hot in the suit while playing on the tambourine. I'm already in love with the video! :D

torsdag 12. juni 2008

Omega 3?

Da har jeg akkurat vært på en liten vandretur gjennom byen alene på jakt etter bikini. Jeg tror jeg fant en også, men er litt småskeptisk x) På vei gjennom byen da møtte jeg på en ganske så skravlete svensk dame, som hadde utrolig lyst til å selge meg Omega 3 kapsler.. Jeg greide jo ikke å si nei, så jeg gikk da derfra med en gratis eske med kapsler som en slags prøveordning. Kan evt ringe og si at jeg ikke er interessert i mer ettersending av sånne kapsler, og det skal jeg jammen meg gjøre også.. er ikke sånn kjempe interessert og betale masse for sånne fiskeolje kapsler når jeg ganske så fint har overlevd så langt.. Men nå har jeg da kapsler for 2 måneder bare fordi jeg ikke greide å si nei.. hehe... Så kjekt er det :P

Etterpå gikk jeg på Loppebua.. Der var det egentlig ikke så mye nytt, så idag har jeg faktisk ikke brukt noen penger! :O Og det er ganske så bra gjort til å være meg. :)

Men nå er jeg utrolig sulten. I byen romla magen skikkelig høyt, og da er det virkelig et tegn på at Marit trenger mat :D

Så hasta la vista!

What do we find among all my teas?

LOTS of teabags :D In many colours and tastes :]

Aldri mer H&F :D

It's great to be at school when you only have one lesson, and the one lesson is the last lesson of the worst subject ever. The least understandable subject, and when you evenutally walk out of the classroom, you know you're done with it :D Get it?

In my case is it about history & philosophy. The worst subject, and a subject I probably was the student who understood the least.

But now I'm done, and I'm HAPPY :D

onsdag 11. juni 2008

Vintage stores

As mentioned before I love Kate Nash's clothing style :)

So if I go to Los Angeles sometime in the future, I'll definately want to check out these stores:

Kate Nash is cool! :D

Refreshing smoothie :)

Today's smoothie constists of:

- Frozen strawberries
- one banana
- melon yoghurt
mmmmm, refreshing :D

And I'm done with the Kiss collage :D
What do you think? :)

Kiss Collage and Fratellis

It's depressive weather. It's been raining and hailing, and even some thunderstorms. It's coming a few sunrays out from the dark clouds. Even though it's depressive, it's kinda nice at the same time.

I'm listening to The Fratellis - Costello Music, while making a KISS collage with photos I took during the concert :D

I want to make myself a smoothie. I think I'll go do that :)

Hejdå ;)

Letters From Iwo Jima

Oh, and by the way...

Anyone seen the film "Letters from Iwo Jima"?

It's sort of the twinfilm to "Flags of Our Fathers", both directed by Clint Eastwood.. He's such a good director... and actor too though, but I'm not that into western films.. anyway..

I ended up watching "Letters from Iwo Jima" Monday night and it was really good! :D

tirsdag 10. juni 2008

Tuesday and I'm off from school

Today I woke up really late and felt quite lazy. I have the day off because there's lots of oral exams going on in my school, so all the students who don't have exams don't need to be there :D

I really need a new bikini, so off I went to the mall with a friend.. without any money though, so no new bikini on me today...

Then I went home to Guro and we made Tacos :D

for about 30 minutes or so I came home from Andrea after watching the film "White Chicks". I've seen it before, and it's not that good really.. but oh well..

I'm off to bed. I'm sleepy :)

mandag 9. juni 2008

Kurs :/

5 timer med foredrag om ernæring og sånn diverse som handler om pasienter på et sjukehus! 5 timer! huffamej. Det er til å få noja av.... eller det var 4 da, da vi spiste den første timen..

uansett, jeg har vært på et kurs idag. Kurset er i forbindelse med jobben jeg har fått på sjukehuset i sommer, men jeg har egentlig ikke peiling på hva jeg har der å gjøre. Jeg er jo bare en sommervikar, som egentlig ikke trenger å vite alt det man får vite på et sånt kurs.. men uansett.. Grunnen til at jeg var der var fordi jeg får betalt for det, og at jeg får det på CVen.. og det kan jo alltids være kjekt å ha. Og som sagt, så brukte vi den første timen på å spise, og gratis god mat er jo et lite pluss xD Jeg elsker mat! :P

Så det var min dag, og nå er jeg utslitt.. Holdt til å med på å sovne midt under foredraget... Zzzz

2 songs I love:

Let's Start A Band - Amy MacDonald :)
"And if you wanted to, then there’s nothing left to do
Lets start a band
Lets start a band
Lets start a band
Lets start a band"

My Maniac & I - Laura Marling :)
"And I’m sorry young man, I cannot be your friend.
I don’t believe in a fairytale end
I don’t keep my head up all of the time
I find it dull when my heart meets my mind
And I hardly know you, I think I can tell
These are the reasons I think that we're ill
I hardly know you, I think I can tell
These are the reasons I think that I'm ill
And the gods that he believes never fail to disappoint me
And the birds are singing to calm us down
And the birds are singing to calm us down"

the bee killer ;)

I hate bugs that bites! If there's a bad side about the summer I don't like, it definately is that.. All the summing bees and annoying mosquitos that just can't wait to get a bite and suck some blood out of you. I simply hate that!

Anyway, today I woke up around 6am by a bee who was lost in my room, and I didn't want it to stay lost, so I had to do something. Halfsleeping, I managed to grab a newspaper to attack it with, and after about 15 minutes or so smashing the newspaper around in the room, the bee finally felt dead on the floor, and I could go back to my sleep :D

søndag 8. juni 2008

Grilling på stranda :)

Idag har det egentlig ikke skjedd så mye. Jeg greide faktisk å våkne helt av meg selv klokka halv 11, til tross for å ha sovet bare noen få timer. Jeg solte meg litt, men det var liksom ikke så bra vær idag som det har vært i det siste. Senere på dagen dro jeg ned på stranda for å grille med noen venner, og det var ganske så koselig skal jeg si deg :) Vi grilla, spilte kubbespill, og tusla i vannkanten/bada... Det var kjempeamange mygg der, så nå klør jeg rett og slett over alt, takket være de blodsugende små jævlene xD og det like me no ikkje!

Sånn så da grillen ut:) eller den ene av de to vi hadde. Den bøyde pølsa er min...! HAHA :D

Det var så koselig nede ved stranda :D
På vei hjem igjen, halvveis klissbløt etter å ha hoppa rundt på en oversvømt brygge, holdt jeg nesten på å blåse av scooteren min. Det var nesten litt skummelt.. og der det var motvind gikk det jo forståelig nok mye saktere.. Og jeg skjønner egentlig ikke at scootern min greier å gå så mye saktere enn det den gjør jeg... :s

Jauda. Dagen i går var en flott dag. Jeg våkna, gjorde ingenting, før jeg bestemte meg for å sole meg litt. Så da ble det gjort. Utrolig varmt ute nå assa, så å ligge i sola i rundt en time kan nesten være uutholdelig.. Men jeg skal ikke klage :D

Etter et par timer, uten å ha gjort noe spesielt, vandra jeg til Silje hvor vi skulle fikse oss og sånn til bursdagsfesten til Bjørg. Så da ble det også gjort. Etter vorspiel og greier gikk turen til byen. Jeg og Silje vandra skikkelig fort, og plutselig var vi i byen, hvor det selvfølgelig var ganske så mange andre folk også.

Turen gikk inn på Traktørn hvor vi dansa til vi fikk helt kramper.. men det var veldig gøy :D

Så innen jeg var hjemme igjen var det overraskende lyst ute, og jeg hadde gnagsår under beinet. au

lørdag 7. juni 2008

Earlier today I wasn't bothered to write on my blog, mostly because it has been lovely weather, which means I spent most of the day outside. I didn't began before 12 at school, and when we were supposed to have norwegian we went down to the beach instead with the teacher, and then she bought us all icecream :D

After being down at the crowdy beach for several hours, me and Silje went to the mall to buy a birthday present to a friend.

This weekend it is this so-called Beer festival in Hamar, and me and Silje went out to eat pizza. There were plenty of people in the town, and it was quite nice to just walk through the streets :)

That's pretty much what there is to be said about today.


fredag 6. juni 2008

Happy Birthday Carl Barât :D

Today 30 years ago, Carl Barât was born. A musical genius came to this world. And what a man!

He used to play in the band The Libertines along with Pete Doherty, but now is the vocalist in the band Dirty Pretty Things. and I love them both! :D

I simply love him! :D

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARL! :D Have fun, go mad! and I'm sure he will :P

KISS - Lick It Up

I won't really call Kiss, Kiss when they didn't use their costumes and makeup in some parts of the 80's, and I think many Kiss fans would agree with me.. They were sort of a different band without the makeup. Here's a video, and first time I saw it I almost had to laugh.. it's strange that it is KISS... Without makeup, and in those clothes they're wearing.... But the song is cool though! :D

torsdag 5. juni 2008


Today I had my final math and french lesson EVER! I've had french for the last 5 years, which has been a bit torturing, and math for 12 years... 12 years of my 18 years long life I've been sort of forced to study numbers and all the other stupid symbols in math.

Oh boy it feels great :D
I feel like celebrating!
Btw, this is the best chocolate ever:
DARK, MILK and WHITE CHOCOLATE at once :D Got to love that ;)

onsdag 4. juni 2008

Ein heilt normal onsdag :/

Ja da var det norsk langdag. Og det likar me no ikkje. Siste langdagen i norsk dette året, og lærern tvinger oss til å sitte inne å skrive nynorsk, mens noen andre klasser får lov til å være på stranda å grille... Det er til å få litt småspasmer av... æsj... Jeg har også lyst til å grille da.

Men en liten koselig ting da, er at jeg sitter å drikker Wiener Melage kaffe.. Det er godt det :D

Nei, nå har jeg egentlig ikke så mye å skrive jeg. Så tuddelidu ;)

tirsdag 3. juni 2008


I'm doing math and enjoying a huge glass with smoothie I made myself:D It's very refreshing in the hot weather.

I dislike the math, but at least the smoothie is a highlight in the process xD

mandag 2. juni 2008


After school today I went to Sigrid to work on this stupid history & philosophy task... We ended up doing nothing really, so we're a bit screwed tomorrow. I've just been outside giving my scooter some oil, which probably will cure my scooter after several sudden stops. So hopefully it won't let me down tomorrow as it done twice today!
I even washed it "inside" xD ooh, I'm such a handy girl.. haha

I probably should be off to bed, but I'm not very tired :/

Sitting inside when it's sunny :S

I got home early from school today, and now I sit inside and listen to music. Yes, I know I should be sitting outside and enjoy the beautiful, hot weather, but as I already look like a shrimp from yesterday's sunbathing, I don't think that's a bright idea to be even more sunbburnt on my already sunburnt skin... :/but oh well..

I enjoy an ice coffee in the heat which is always delicious :P

I'm bored.... :/

søndag 1. juni 2008

I'm happy because:

-I've seen KISS live, which might will be a once-in-a-lifetime-experience.
-I'm a happy owner of two new CD's I bought on Saturday:)
Which is The White Stripes - Elephant and Los Campesinos! - Hold on Now, Youngster.

- I also own a new pick, and not any pick, but Tommy Thayer's :)
- I only have 11 days left at school, if not less.
- It's summer outside :D
- I listen to the Los Campesinos CD right now, which is happy music xD Which makes me even happier. hehe
-I bought more tea (which is my almost my favorite tea) in a shop in Oslo, which they don't have in Hamar.
- I managed to get a pissed off bee out from the kitchen without it attacking me :D Go me ;P

My weekend


Yesterday me and Lise went into Oslo town, where there were lots of tourists. Quite nice, and it was hot weather. We went in to a few secondhands shops, but I didn't find anything.. they were all very overpriced :( After a while we went to another part of Oslo and catched up with a few friends of Lise at a market. It was very nice, and I ended up buying a black tunic.


Me and Lise haven't done much today.. While eating a very late breakfast we also tried to get a tan out on the terrace, and now I look like a lobster...with freckles... a very red one with freckles actually... Not nice :(


After being a huge fan of Kiss for about 5 years, I finally got to see the living legends live! and what a show! :D After standing outside the arena for about 2 hours, thanks to lots of postponing, I made my way into the place, and ran like I've never run before up to the stage. There I managed to get on the second row, which was a great spot :D

After yet more waiting, the warm-up band came, which was a rock band from Maryland called Cinder Road. They were a bit boring, but probably mostly because I couldn't wait for Kiss to enter the stage.

And then, finally, came KISS! They entered the scene from above on this platform sort og thing and began the show right away with the song Deuce, which is one of my favorite songs. Right next to me was this crazy spanish guy who apparently had seen two of their shows already on this tour, and on the other side of me came this wasted bald man after about an hour, starting to grabbing my hair and trying to whisper something in my ear.. what a great company :S ehrm.... creepy..
There was lots of firework and I got all covered in confetti during a song. AWESOME SHOW! :D

anyway, despite the fact that I was going alone, it wasn't too bad. I manage to blend in with my huge Kiss t-shirt and screaming/singing kind of voice. I knew all the songs and screamed along to them, and poor man infront of me, got it all right in his ears..
When standing there screaming and waving with my hands and also getting the spanish guy's hands right in my face several times, I thought my shoulder would be dislocated.

They sang almost all my favorite songs, such as Black Diamond, Strutter, Detroit Rock City, Rock n' Roll all night, Parasite and ofcourse I Was Made For Loving You.. the classical Kiss song :) All those songs made me scream even louder, and by the time the concert was over, my voice was gone... just faded away... and my throat was sore and dry...

During the concert they threw out some picks, and I manage to grab Tommy Thayer's pick! :O It stands Kiss on it, and his signature.... I can't believe I have a pick used by TOMMY THAYER....

After the show I had to buy a tour t-shirt. They celebrate their 35 years anniversary this year. 1973-2008 :D I also ended up buying a Kiss scarf.
My whole body was shaking after going out of the arena, because I was high on Kiss (haha), and because I had been standing still + jumping for about 6 hours in a row.... You really get exhausted by doing that.. trust me! :)
See some of the photos I took HERE. (that if you're a member on myspace)