mandag 10. mars 2008

Sweeney Todd, here I come :D

I've just eaten dinner and soon I will get ready to go to the cinema. A friend of mine got three free tickets from the bank (don't ask me why), but she asked me and another friend to join her, and I don't say no to go the cinema for free :P I haven't been to the cinema in ages, as i've been sort of boycotting it, as it is so bloody expensive to go there! I'm weird xD but sometimes I don't really want to pay almost 100kroner/16$/8,5£ to watch a film. I think the last time I was at the cinema was last summer when Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix had premiere :)

We're going to watch Sweeney Todd, which I've heard alot of good critics about, and as it has Johnny Depp in it, it can't be bad! xD hehe
I'm really looking forward to it actually :D

But then I'm off.. :)

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