tirsdag 19. februar 2008

My Tuesday....

Today I was suppose to go to the mall with a friend, but I didn't go after all, because I had a headache :[

After doing pretty much nothing, I decided to watch a film, so I put on the film "Amelie from Montmartre", but after watching about 20 minutes of it, my bestfriend called, so that was pretty much the end of that film.. I guess I will watch the rest later, but right now I'm not in the mood :P So after talking to her for about 1 hour I had to go, because my mum was going to pick me up so we could go to my grandmum..
So I have been at my grandmum's till now, and on the way home we also visited my other grandparents :)

And right now I talked to Sigrid on the phone telling me that KISS is coming to Norway :D :D I freaked out xD I just have to go :D :D :D

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