fredag 29. februar 2008

Just one posting? :O

Wow, I've only written one post here today (well, it's not today anymore, as the time is soon a half past 12, but still... oi, that sounds weird) xO I think that must be a new record btw, as I usually just babble about everything and post loads of them xD The reason why I haven't been posting much today though, is because I've been busy. I've been stressing around at the depressing mall to try and find a birthdaygift for my bestfriend, but that's harder than you can think x But I evenutally ended up with something to buy so I hope she will like it :) And, believe it or not, when I was running through the stores I found a shirt thingy for myself too on sale :D Happy times :] And that's about all that has happened to me today.. yet another boring day :) But tomorrow it's off I go to Oslo, so atleast it won't be a boring weekend :D

I better be off to bed :)
Nighty Night!

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