After packing I went to Lise. Almost right away we made this delicious smoothie... I should have taken a photo of it, but I didn't. We've just seen Graham Norton show which is a lot of fun, and this time David Mitchell from Peep Show was there, and he's quite funny :)
Tomorrow me and Lise are probably going into Oslo city, where I'll see if I find some CDs on sale xD And I'll definitely buy NME as it's nowhere to be found in the stores in Hamar.
But I'm off to bed.
Nighty night :)
lørdag 31. mai 2008
fredag 30. mai 2008
The exam is over :D
I'm done with this year exams :D which was only one exam xD It feels quite good to finally be done, but I'm not sure whether I want to hope it went good or not.. I managed to scribble down quite a few pages, but we'll see.. at least I'm done :D In the tiny room we were sitting in, there were also this little bunch of retired people.. which means 3 old people who were put there to watch us.. incase we were going to cheat or something... strange little bunch.
But now I better go packing because I'm off to Lise today, as I'll be staying at her place when I'm going to the KISS concert tomorrow :D
I'll be back:)
torsdag 29. mai 2008
Hotel Rwanda
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it :D
The time really fly by fast don't you think? It's been months since I ordered the Kiss ticket, and now it's only 2 days left, and then I'll be standing in a crowd along with about 12499 other people, screaming and singing and dancing and God knows what along to KISS :D
My mum is beginning to worry already as I'm going alone and all, and the weather forecast says it will be about 30 degrees, which make my mum think I'll probably pass out or something in the crowd.
This is definately going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I'm extremely excited :D :D :D
Revising? naaah
Today I have the day off. It's my studyday before my exam tomorrow and it feels good.. except the fact that I should study for the exam and not do all other things.. but on the other hand I don't really know there is to study for. Because after all it's English, and as I have no idea what the tasks will be about, there's not much to do.. but oh well.
My plans for today is probably laying out in the sun and reading a book or something. I can always read a english book, just so I feel I sort of revise. Or watch a english film :) hehe, it would probably be good that too...
that's all so far... Now I really crave a cup of milky sugarry tea :D
onsdag 28. mai 2008
I've been to the mall with Sigrid and I found all these cute summer dresses. But I'm broke :(
Anyway. I ended up buying this huge icecream. If it hadn't been for the crappy camera I have on my cellphone I would've added a photo of it. But I'm not bothered, mostly because of the quality, but I also can't find the wire thingy I have to put into my computer to translate the photo...
btw, I'm bored...
sleeping in
Today I've had the day off, and it feels great. I had this plan on getting up early and getting things done, but it just didn't happened that way.. I just chose to ignore my alarm and then go back to sleep :)
After breakfast I went to the gym, and it felt good to work out. I haven't been there for a while now, even though I should have.
It has been sunny weather outside, but by the time I managed to get my ass out on the terrace to try and get a tan, it was cloudy. bummer :(
then I'm off to eat dinner :]
tirsdag 27. mai 2008
Stupid bank!
This day has been quite okay. Almost every class I went in to, we could leave after about 15 minutes because there were so few students because of exams and such, and as it's soon the end of the school year and I'm done with a few classes this year, there wasn't really much to do either... Happy times :D
I got off early from school today, and the sky was blue and the sun was shining :)
After school I went to the bank to order myself a Visa card, which I was suppose to have Jimi Hendrix on as a print, but it turned out that I'm not allowed to have any photo of any celebrity or anything like that on it. How rude! So now I have no idea what print I want to use. Anyone who has any idea?
Around 5 o'clock me and Silje went into town to see another friend having a dance performance along with lots of other people, so we had to go and see :) They were all really good, and there were also these cute little girls wearing princessish and flowerish costumes while dancing around. Really adorable xD
I'm drinking tea at the moment, but I guess that isn't any news to those of you who has been reading my blog for a while... :)
and now I'm off from school the rest of the week, except the exam on Friday :D
Hasta la vista!
mandag 26. mai 2008
A dream about being Willy Wonka
Jimi Hendrix in his own words
Is it interesting? Yes
Would I recommend you to read it? Yes, if you love Jimi Hendrix as much as I do ;)
And look at this extremely cute picture of Jimi along with his father Al :)
NAAST - Garçon Mauvais
French used to be such a beautiful language, and I guess it still is. But after having it 5 years at school, it's starting to get on my nerves, and I'm not that fond of it as I was the first year I studied it. But on the other hand I came over this french band that sings in french, and it wasn't too bad.
I actually understand part of what they sing about. And I suck at french x)
So enjoy ;)
Ikke lenge til sommerferie :D
Isn't it just wonderful when you can go home from school earlier than you're suppose to, without skiving school ofcourse? :P that's what happened to me today, and I was on my way home in no time x)
The stupid exam I have to have on friday is getting closer, and at the same time all the other teachers are prepared to have us in exam in that subject they're teaching us in. Just too bad I've already been chose to have English written exam, and only that one :)
Right now I'm looking at a pile of papers I have to sort out what's what, because it would be a good idea to have atleast some overview of all my school papers... (even though I'm not really that bothered as it's only 13 days at school left for me, and that includes the exam day!)
søndag 25. mai 2008
Noe som virkelig irriterer meg...
... er når man er så klar for å spise noe og er sikker på at det befinner seg ett eller anna sted i huset, men at når man åpner kjøleskapet, er det ikke der. Når jeg skriver dette høres jeg nesten ut som et matvrak, noe som jeg kanskje til tider kan være, men når det kommer til akkurat dette irritasjonsmomentet, så gjelder det melk for meg. Ikke melk for meg, men for teen min. Den bare må ha melk for at jeg skal ville drikke den. Og det har skjedd noen ganger i det siste. Da er det jo mamma jeg blir litt frustrert på, for etter at jeg ble avhengig av te vet jo hu at jeg må ha melk i teen min. Selvfølgelig kan jeg jo dra å kjøpe meg melk der og da, men det blir liksom ikke det samme, i og med at teen allerede står der og venter på melkskvetten sin.. hehe
Men uansett. Te er godt, og jeg sitter og koser meg med det nå :) Så null problemo.
It's gonna be a bumpy ride
I've just been out practise driving with my dad. It was actually quite fun, and I drove far out in the bush. I met some cows and sheeps on the road and I drove through lots of farms x) So today I've discovered a new part of the countryside in the area.
There were lots of bumps in the road, and I think my dad was a bit nervous about me driving...
I didn't choke the motor too much, but my conclusion is that I don't think I'll be able to trust the gear box x)
I drove all the way home and managed to park at the parkingspot xD Yay me :P
It's Sunday and I feel fine
it's sunday and I have been working today. it's finally a sunny day, and I have to be inside and work.. æsj..
but it wasn't too bad, because I began at 11am, but it was a lot dishwashing. The others at work still comment on how I drink my tea, the english way with milk, but the highlight of it all was definately to see a good looking doctor wandering around in the corridors in the area I worked in :P
Here the other day I got to know how much money I'll be making this summer :) and that is enough to light up my day :)
lørdag 24. mai 2008
me look like a rabbit :o
The Wombats at Royal Albert Hall :)
awww, you know who played in Royal Albert Hall in London last night?
The Wombats! :D and not only the Wombats, but they along with their fathers! aww, how I wish I could have been there!
Brownies and film :)
fredag 23. mai 2008
"Shine On" ----> by The Kooks :]
I'm watching THE KOOKS' NEW VIDEO "Shine On" while it's raining and hailing and God knows what outside, but it's still sunny and the sky is dark. Very dark. Strange combination, and I ain't seeing a rainbow. Gutted :(
The music video is good, and Luke Pritchard is still charming even though he seems to be quite cocky sometimes. The video also includes two cool ducks splashing around in water :D hehe
I'm off to a friend now, and I hope it wont rain too much when I'll be sitting on my scooter on the way :P
The song quite fits to the weather, as I hope it will shine outside here too :) Even though the song isn't about the weather :P
I love dresses!
Jeg rett og slett elsker kjoler! I alle mulige slags former og farger, og til alle anledninger :D også er det så koselig å bare svinse rundt i en kjole isteden for en klaustrofobisk bukse xD hehe
Her er noen kjoler jeg synes var ganske så søte og som jeg ikke hatt noe imot å eie. Jeg har lyst på ny kjole jeg. :)
Hvilken kjole synes du er finest?
torsdag 22. mai 2008
Random tull innlegg
nei, nå følte jeg for å bare skrive et sånn random tull innlegg på bloggen min. Fikk liksom så lyst til å skrive på dataen bare for å skrive. Men så har jeg egentlig ikke så mye på hjertet akkurat nå, annet enn at jeg sitter å drikker vann, og spiser en ganske så deilig sjokoladebit :D Også sitter jeg og traller til KISS, bare for å varme opp til konserten jeg skal på med de, om så mye som nøyaktig 9 dager idag :)
Ellers så er det lite som skjer her. Egentlig så burde jeg lese noen spanskgloser siden jeg har gloseprøve imorra, men egentlig så har jeg ikke så lyst til det skjønner du.. og da blir jo ikke det gjort. Akkurat nå har jeg veldig lyst på en plakat av et eller annet festlig, for etter å ha "rydda" litt på veggen min, så synes faktisk bitte litte granne av min oransje vegg, og den må jo fylles med noe. Jeg liker jo at det oransje faktisk synes, men det betyr også at den kan fylles med ett eller anna. Spørsmålet er bare hva x)
Så utrolig kreativ som jeg er (kremt), så tenkte jeg faktisk at jeg skulle ta et bilde av den oransje plassen på veggen, sånn hvis noen skulle være interesserte (jeg tviler). Men så har det seg sånn at kameraet mitt er lite samarbeidsvillig akkurat nå, og det er vel egentlig batteriene sin feil. så da blir det ikke noe flashing av min oransje vegg idag.
Jeg tror dette er nok random tull for et random tull innlegg jeg. Så da sier jeg bare tuddelidu, og ha det flott ;)
Secondhand store :) me like :D
After school today, me and two friends went to this secondhand store in Hamar, I didn't even know existed. It was a nice little store, with lots of stuff, and I ended up buying some booths, and two scarves. Apparantly I can't get enough of those :D I love secondhand stores :)
I just feel to mention that it is only 9 days till I'm off to see KISS LIVE :D You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to that :) They're brilliant!
Skriftlig ENGELSK :D
ÅÅHHH! Idag fikk vi vite om vi kom opp i muntlig eller skriftlig eksamen. Jeg var ganske så nervøs der og da altså, men så plutselig roper de opp navnet mitt. Det var ganske så flott for jeg var lite lysten på å komme opp i muntlig! Jeg kom opp i engelsk skriftlig, førsteønsket mitt så da ble jeg skikkelig happy :D Høres helt rart ut at jeg ble glad for at jeg kom opp, men jeg må uansett opp i eksamen dette året, så da vil jeg gjerne bli ferdig med det fortest mulig :D :D :D og så lenge jeg kommer opp med en festlig tekst, så er engelsk lett :)
onsdag 21. mai 2008
Today after dinner I went to the "mall" with Silje. I didn't buy much, while Silje on the other hand (who had got her allowance as lucky as she is:P) bought quite alot. I ended up buying this gigantic icecream which was delicious, even though I had trouble eating it all up.. :P
Now I'm just being bored, and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, because then I'll get to know whether I have to have written or oral exam :(
Ned Kelly and a noisy chimney sweeper.
tirsdag 20. mai 2008
Today I've been visiting my grandmother. Dinner, strawberries with milk and sugar and then cakes. What is it with cakes and grandmothers? Anyway, I like it :P
mandag 19. mai 2008
The printer is working again :)
Last night I was trying to print some photos of bands and artists I like, to put them up on my closet doors and door. But for some reason the printer wanted more paper than the bunch I already had, and we didn't have more paper. But today, my mum had bought more paper and I've now got the photos printed :D :D :D
The end of the spider
What is it with spiders that make them think they have all the rights to just crawl into my room, while I'm sitting there, normally not letting anyone in unless they knock on my door, and especially not spiders?!
That happened to me just now. The little creepy creature just crawled out from behind a shoebox and tried to get away from me. Because as soon as I see a spider I have to make sure it's not going to play hide and seek with me, and then I attack xD
So down the toilet it went and then it was killed with a flush!
The end.
Course at a mental hospital.
Today has been a long day. First a boring day at school, and then me and Anna were off to a course arranged by the job at the hospital. The course was about hygiene and cleaning, in other words very boring, and definately something that told me that I'm never gonna work with something that has to do with all the complicated stuff the lecturer told about. The reason why I went was because I get paid for being there, and I also got food xD Lasagne and cake. The highlight of the whole course. :P
The one lecturer was an annoying, chatty woman that thought she was soooo funny, and told the same joke over and over again, about 20 times :/
The course was being held at a mental hospital, and it turned 100 years this year, and there were these old photos in frames and old museums things on shelves in the hallway, and it automatically made me think about "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest". Creepy...
søndag 18. mai 2008
Me in Bunad x)
Twirly dress anyone?
Huff, jeg føler meg utrolig lat idag. Jeg våkna ikke får klokka 2, og da føler jeg egentlig at hele dagen er bortkasta. Idag er det faktisk fint vær ute, så hvor typisk er ikke det? Nå har det liksom vært ca 2 uker med dårlig vær, fra rundt 1.mai til 17.mai og så skal det plutselig bli bedre vær allerede dagen etter 17. mai? Huff ameg... Jeg får noja... og jeg prater om været :§
Uansett, mine planer for dagen er egenetlig ikke-eksisterende.. så langt ihvertfall. Akkurat nå kjeder jeg meg helt ekstremt og sitter å lurer på hva jeg skal gjøre. Tror noen venner av foreldra mine kommer senere, så mulig jeg skal gomle litt kake sammen med de... så hvor spennende blir ikke det..... :S
Ha en flottfin Søndag!
lørdag 17. mai 2008
Swedish music/guitar magazine :)
My parents went to Sweden today. Don't ask me why they did that on Norway's national day, but they bought me a magazine :D
And not any magazine, but a music magazine :) I think it's mostly a guitar magazine, but my parents bought it because of the frontpage:
And as I do love KISS it will be nice to read it :) I even think Jimi Hendrix is mentioned somewhere in the magazine too :)
17. mai er vi så glad i... morro vi har fra morgen til kveld xD
awww, what a nice day :)
The weather has been better than it was said to be, and the sun came eventually out from between the clouds. Me and 3 other friends walked in procession along with all the other schools in Hamar and the area. After that we ate baked poteto from Potetbaker'n which has been a tradition for me and Silje the last 5 years. I love that baked poteto :P
We walked around in town, and it was freezing. So then it's really nice with a hot cup of coffee. I'm usually quite undecisive and wasn't sure whether to have a caffé latte or a cappuccino. I ended up having both, half of each in one cup :D
There were lots of people walking around in town despite the cold weather, and we met an american guy (I think he was american), who wanted to take a picture of the four of us in the Norwegian national clothing. He apparently had family in Norway or something, and I think he might was going to publish those photos in a newspaper in the US.. I'm not sure.. :/
Anyway. We also met a guy from the local newspaper who wanted to take a photo of us in the park, and so we did. So on Monday I'll probably be in the newspaper :§
I've eaten alot today, and became quite fascinated by some spring rolls :)
Russetoget var litt småtragisk i år egentlig, men med noen bra poeng her og der. Men jeg er sikker på at neste års russetog blir bedre :D for da er nemlig jeg og mine kjære venner RUSS :D WOOO!
Gratulerer med dagen forresten! :D
Hurra for Norge!
Today is it Norway's national day, which means it's 196 years since Norway got its own constitution, after being in union with Sweden. Today is it also exactly 1 year since I went to London...
It's said to be the coldest 17th of May in 50 years, and it's sort of rainy outside. It's even been said that it might snow :O I think it will be a cold day :( But, it's 17th of May and I hope it will be a nice day. So now I'm off to the town to walk in procession.
Ha en flott 17. mai! :D
fredag 16. mai 2008
Natt til 17.mai nærmer seg....
Da nærmet natt til 17. seg, og i år har jeg bestemt meg for at jeg ikke skal gå ut. Mest pågrunn av det stusslige været, men også fordi det er ganske så koselig å bare være med noen venner isteden også. Og hvis natt til 17. blir like kald og bløt som natt til 1. foretrekker jeg heller å sitte inne å se på en film eller noe :)
Nå har jeg da altså fått stappa alle kjolene mine inn i skapet igjen, så nå er jeg ganske så glad i skapet mitt :D Men ellers rundt om i rommet ser det helt kaotisk ut, og jeg som prøvde å rydde her i går og greier... Livet er ikke lett alltid altså :P
Men nå er det middag, så vi blogges ;)
Look what I drew
I hate Norwegian. The subject. It was okay till I began at high school. And that is mostly thanks to the teacher... :§
and yes, I'm bored when writing this blogentry.
Rearranging the closet :)
torsdag 15. mai 2008
A new teacup :D
Dustbunnies here I come!
So toodledoo to all the dustbunnies who will probably try to hide from me.
My room looks like it has been bombed or something, and my mum has just here with the vacuum cleaner, which I don't really mind, because then I don't have to vacuum myself :) So then I'm ready with my Swiffer Duster so off I go to get the dust! xD
I've just got back from school. I had to skip the last lesson because I'm not feeling too good today. My stomache hurt and I'm having a headache. But after taking a painkiller and drinking some tea, I guess I'll feel alot better. Besides, the last lesson was french, and I doubt it would have made me feel any better anyway :P
I'm glad the Thursday is over, and I have no homework for tomorrow :) It's raining today which is depressive, and I who thought the weather would stay sunny :/
onsdag 14. mai 2008
Stupid scooter!
I've been out jogging today. And on the way back with my scooter (yes, I'm that lazy that I actually drive my scooter to the "park" where I run), the scooter decided to stop in the middle of the road. And that is so typical and especially when there's a line of cars behind me. Guess who felt a bit embarrassed? It never really stopped, but it didn't go any forward either. I hate when it's acting strange, and especially when it decides not to tell me about it before I drive it :P
I'm eating tiny seedless winered grapes. Grapes is something you can get addicted to without even knowing it. But it's so delicious and it's healthy :D
Lists are some strange phenomenons. Or maybe you can't call them phenomenons, but there's something about lists that can be quite fascinating. Are you one of the people who write lots of lists as a habite, or for other reasons?
I am that kind of person, or atleast I think I am. I have lots of these lists I write when I'm bored, or just to scribble something down. You have no idea what kind of stuff I write on lists. I'm not sure why I even write the lists. E.g, I have a list of all the shoes I own. That's maybe not the strangest list, as I also have a few lists of episodes I've seen of different series and seasons. And I have lots of postcard all around in my room as I've mentioned earlier, and I've even written a list of most of the postcards and who I've got them from. Jeeez, I'm weird.
I think I also have this small pile of papers somewhere with a few lists. The weird thing might be that I never write lists of things I have to do, or have to buy and such things. Simply because I'm not bothered, and won't do it anyway. So what is the point with writing lists about all other stuff?
Don't ask me, I'm just a person who's fascinated about lists.
Some lists I do have though:
Lots of bands I like, and trust me, it gets longer every day :D
Films I have, and films I want to watch
My sunglasses (It's pathetic, and those aren't really much to mention)
All the CDs I have and the CDs I want xD
tirsdag 13. mai 2008
The Last Shadow Puppets

Jeg blir rett og slett fascinert!
Music survey. Boringness
I'm doing french. And as I hate doing french I decided to have a little break, and be a little bit more boring and take a music survey. As I've already done one survey already, why not go on with one more :P
I found it on some musicpage somewhere :)
INSTRUCTIONS1. Put your music player on shuffle.2. Press forward for each question.3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!
Witchcraft - Wolfmother
Young Love - Mystery Jets
Trip To The Golden Arches - Bromheads Jacket
Anytime she goes away - Lighthouse family
When you love someone - Bryan Adams
Knocking on heavens door - Bob Dylan
Forever Young - Alphaville
Are You Experienced - Jimi Hendrix
Rock n' Roll Doctor - Black Sabbath
Pollokshields - 1990s
Mardy Bum - Arctic Monkeys
Belly Love - The Kooks
America - Simon and Garfunkel
Last Nite - The Strokes
Ragoo - Kings of Leon
Our Bovine Public - The Cribs
Cigarettes and Alchohol - Oasis
Oh Yeah - The Subways
Down in the past - Mando Diao
Wasteland - The View
Two Left Feet - The Holloways
Dreamer - Ozzy Osbourne
Whistle for a choir - The Fratellis
Crazy Crazy Nights - Kiss
Yet another survey.
When was the last time you cried? Last time I cut onions.
Do you like your handwriting? Not really.
2 shiny things in your room? a pair of earrings and a pair of sunglasses.
If you were someone else, would you be friends with yourself? Haha. I don’t know. I would probably think I was weird.
Do you place your shoes together when you take them off? Why would I do that?
3 red things in your room? A purse, a book and my camera.
What’s your favourite ice cream? White chocolate/chocolate/caramel.
Where were you last summer? Altea (Spain) and at our cabin.
What do you think about sleeping in a tent? It depends who the campingtrip is with I guess. But I guess it could be fun anyway:)
Are you named after someone? After my great grandmother I think.
4 blue things in your room? A dictionary, a cardigan, a box and the photo of Alex Turner in my Arctic Monkeys calendar <3
Do you think guys should have short or long hair? It all depends on the guy.
Horrorfilms of romantic films? A mix maybe?
3 things laying next to you? My MP3 player, a handcream and a pack with chewing gum.
Last film you watched? World Trade Center
What are you looking forward to? The summer. To be done with school next year. Kiss concert :D
What is your dreamcar? A vintage car, a roofless bubbly car or a Chevrolet convertible. Tough question :P
What book are you reading? Jimi Hendrix – in his own words
Favourite smells? The smell of spring :D strawberries, black coffee (even though I don't like it), the sea and anything that reminds me of memories.
How far have you been away from home? (place) Canary Islands, Lanzarote
How’s your walls? ORANGE
Do you have a special talent? Not that I know of.
Where was you born? Oslo
Do you want to move to another country? YES PLEASE :)
Name a song you’re in love with right now? Kate Nash – We Get Along
No glasses for me sir :)
I've just got back from the optician after taking a sighttest (?). Not because I feel I don't have a good sight, but because I haven't taken one in ages, which means when I was about 4 years old, and I can't even remember that.
Doctor and snails
Today I went home early from school because I had an appointment at the doctor. Everything went fine, and nothing's wrong with me :) On the way home I had to stop by and buy and ice cream :D Icecream with sunny weather is just a MUST do.
Not much has been happening today. Just another usual Tuesday. I got back my French mock exam that went straight too hell, but not as deep in hell as I thought it would :P I had written about snails and about eating snails, so it pretty much says itself.. I'm weird xD
mandag 12. mai 2008
11th September 2001
Bushes - not always nice
Ever been attacked by a bush? I have, and that is not a nice experience.
I was trying to move my scooter away from my brother's huge motorbike and then a bush next to me sort of attacked me :/ so a part of my hand is bleeding and my finger is in pain :P
So from now on I'll try and be nice to bushes ;) and that means all these green bushy plants and not a certain person with Bush as the surname :P
It's like an extra Sunday
søndag 11. mai 2008
What are you?
Wanna know what you are?
Acoording to this though: click HERE and find out :)
And please tell me?
The Last King of Scotland
It's Sunday and it doesn't feel like it is weekend. You know why? I had to get up around 6am, as I had to go to work. I wasn't in the mood for work that early, but I better had to do it, unless I want to be all lost when I'll be working ALL BY MYSELF this summer. Scary stuff. But it wasn't too bad, because for some strange, surreal reason I was quite awake when I got there around 7 :O And I am NEVER total awake 7AM.
I don't think it has been as good weather today as it has been the last week. Okay with me, as I was inside the whole day, so I didn't miss much of the sun.
And by the way: I want that suitcase with stickers and such from where I have been:)
lørdag 10. mai 2008
Barbeque at the beach
Today I've spent the day walking around in the town, with two friends, and wearing my big yellow sunglasses. I looked like a bug xD
I ate ice cream, and we were looking for a secondhand store, which turned out to be open only on thursdays. But now we do know where we can find it atleast :D
But I have to go. I'll be eating some shrimps before going to the beach and barbeque with some friends :)
Have a lovely evening! :D
Jeg elsker grillmat. Det er så utrolig mye festlig mat man kan grille, og jeg er egentlig ganske alt-etende. Men ikveld har jeg vært hos ei venninne, sammen med noen venninner, og da endte jeg opp med og grille pølser. Også kalt curry- og pestowurst. Fræshe greier :D Vi spiste og prata, og det var skikkelig koselig. Jeg fikk litt spasmer av et maiskorn som bestemte seg for å sette seg litt fast i halsen min, men alt gikk bra, og jeg ble utrolig stappa av alt det jeg spiste xD
Ellers kan kvelden oppsummeres med dinglende marsmallows fra kinamatpinner og trivial pursuit:musikk :)
fredag 9. mai 2008
Awww :)
Cat Wakes Up From A Nap
Look at this cat who've just been taken a nap, and then someone tries to wake it up xD
Beachvolleyball :]
torsdag 8. mai 2008
Here the other day I was scribbling in my green little notebook. Just about all and nothing. And that made me think about that I used to like to write when I was younger, because I don't like it that much anymore. After I started to get grades on my texts in 8th grade I just didn't like it. Not sure why, but why does the texts have to be given a grade? The grade would probably be different depending on who reads it.
When I write that I used to like to write when I was younger, it can might not be called real writing.. I wrote all these stupid short stories, usually about a few kids getting lost in a forest, or a brother and sister who discovered a creepy house when being away on holiday. Or something different, I don't remember. But these days my texts are probably too random. That's what my English teacher called one of my texts. So, I just don't like to get them graded. So maybe that was why I was just sitting scribbling in my green little notebook, here the other day :)
I'm one of the people who still buy CDs. I love CDs and the best thing about them is that they are physical products. It's not just some songs that are saved on a computer who takes up Gigabites and Megabites and all those names I don't really know. It's a physical product you can hold in your hand, and it's sort of a personal product from the band/artist to the listener. It has this small booklet inside where the band usually have written down all the lyrics, and also maybe have a few pictures. That are details that the person who download the music will never be able to hold in their hands, because the music they have bought is just files on a computer. And a CD collection looks much better in 3D than a long list of songs on a computer screen.
Today I got the second CD I ordered a few weeks ago. The Holloways - So This Is Great Britain. Listening to it right now actually :) and I quite like the sound of it.
onsdag 7. mai 2008
Anyone who's got a flightticket?
I want to travel! To a place where I can just be lost, and preferably out of the country. I'd like to discover something new, like a huge city, or just a little place to get away.
The places that for some reasons pops into my head are Liverpool, Vienna, Edinburgh, York in England, Dublin, Riga or just a tiny town somewhere in England where they have a really thick accent I would have no chance to understand.. THAT would have been fun :]
So give me a flight ticket and I'll be gone in no time ;)
Marit likes Rislunsj ;)
I'm not a morning person. Not at all! I'm more one of the totally opposites. So why do I have to get up at 5.45am on a Wednesday I have off from school?
Well, it's because I've got a job. An EARLY job... I hate it. the work is okay, but the time I begin in the morning is probably the worst about the whole job...
I'm exhausted. I've been washing and stressing around today, when I could have been lying in the sun because it's beautiful weather outside. But, I really need money, so in this case I put the money first :P
It's still sunny outside though, so instead of writing about it here, I should go out and enjoy it. So toodles xD
tirsdag 6. mai 2008
Dirty Pretty Things - New album is on its way
[Edit: The album was rumored to be called that, but it's called Romance At Short Notice.]
Marit's ZOO
I sort of want some pets. But not any pets though. I want a wombat, a pot-bellied pig and a monkey. I would called it Marit's Zoo :)
Freckleface is sitting in the sun
But I quite like the sun, so I'm not complaining. All I want is to get a bit tanned, but not necessarily by the freckles :P
mandag 5. mai 2008
My healthy meal ;)
I'm hungry... So that is why I decided to eat healthy after working out :D
Joggetur :)
I've just been out jogging :) It's been a while since last time, so it was quite nice to jog. It's always refreshing. I was jogging in this sort of so-called park, and between some trees (which turns into a quite scary forest when it's dark :p), and you have no idea how many weird people you can bump into. But the cutest creature of them all was this really cute St Bernhard puppy :) and I went all "Awwwwww" :) hehe
I wore my new Nike sneakers, but unfortunately I got sore heels :(
Monday :]
Monday: the day after Sunday.. And that is something I don't like.
The day hasn't been too bad though. The last lesson, we could work in the library, and there they have this terrace :) The sun had hidden behind some clouds, but right after I went out there, it came :D
And when I got home from school I were sitting out in the sun :)
søndag 4. mai 2008
Weird Gadgets :)
I'm bored. I have to admit that. So in my boringness I've been clicking around on the net, finding lots of strange gadgets, so I'd like to share some of them here on my blog:
Kate Nash

It's Sunday. Sunday bloody Sunday.
So far I haven't done much. This Sunday is more like relaxing day for me :) It's sunny outside, so I'll probably end up on the terrace trying to catch some rays, even though all I will end up with is freckles. But it's better than nothing I guess :)
I love postcards :) I have loads of them around in my room, and for the last 15 minutes I've been sort of balancing on my desk, trying to put them up on my wall. That can be almost scary as I had no idea if the desk would break down under me any minute or not as one of the legs are a bit crappy. But it's still alive, and so am I :D
How's your Sunday been so far? :)
lørdag 3. mai 2008
Around 3pm I, along with my parents went to my uncle as it is his birthday today. So there it was a lot of cakes :O As many as 4, and as I love cakes I had to taste them all... haha... But they didn't taste much, thanks to my taste buds being out of function at the moment x)
fredag 2. mai 2008
The Clash - Rock At The Casbah
I thought I'd just add a music video :)
This song is awesome! One of my favorites by The Clash :D
Joe Strummer - The Future Is Unwritten :)
Friday and I'm off from school :) Nothing has been happening here today. I've just been at home, and I woke up with a terrible nasal voice xD I've been singing along to my CDplayer and read some magazine. Now I'm off to watch the filmdocumentary "Joe Strummer -The Future Is Unwritten" :) I'm looking forward to that :D
torsdag 1. mai 2008
Natt til 1. Mai
Ja, igår, natt til første Mai var jeg da først hos Sara. Der var det koselig, og vi spratt rundt til snasen musikk på Saras store rom. Planen var at vi skulle ta bussen fra Sara halv 12 og ned til byen, men sånn gikk det ikke. Rett og slett fordi bussen aldri kom, og etter en halvtime begynte vi heller å gå den halve mila det er ned til byen. Vi var ikke så veldig lysten på det, men vi måtte bare. På veien begynte det å regne, så det var ganske depressivt. Og mer regn ble det i løpet av kvelden :/ Men jeg spiste bakt potet :D Jeg rett og slett ELSKER den bakte poteten fra Potetbaker'n :)
Det var utrolig mange snålefolk rundt i byen, men det er vel standard siden sikker halvparten av de var fulle :P
Jeg burde egentlig ikke vært ute, for nå har forkjølelsen min bare blitt verre. Men jeg hadde det gøy :)
Så innen jeg kom meg hjem så jeg ut som en drukna ett eller anna, for jeg var rett og slett klissbløt.