I came home from the hospital about an hour ago, after working there today with training in what to do when I'll be working there this summer. It was actually a bit fun. What I did was to make baguettes and cut salad in the kitchen. The guy there actually recommended some methods how to cut a cucumber in an easier way.. haha xD I also worked in the cafeteria where I made burgers and chips. In the end it was all about the dishwash, which wasn't that interesting, but not too bad either to be honest.. hehe
I wore this white doctor outfit. Huge pants and shirt, but comfortable to walk around with :P I also had this hairnet with a cap. Probably not my look :P
The only "bad" thing so far about this job, is that I begin at 7am... I hate to get up early! :/
onsdag 30. april 2008
Work training
tirsdag 29. april 2008
Hvor viktig er en KOSELIG kopp?
For nå sitter jeg nemlig å drikker te, og da synes jeg det egentlig er litt viktig å ha en koselig kopp :) Betegnelsen koselig kan man egentlig tolke som man vil, men for meg kan koselig være litt forskjellig. Som nå har jeg Berlin-koppen min. Den er koselig den :) Den kjøpte jeg i Berlin i November, og den er hvit med store fargerike bokstaver hvor det står BERLIN. En koselig kopp er selvfølgelig ikke et must, men jeg liker teen min best da.. huff, det høres helt rart ut, men sånn er det :P
Som sagt sitter jeg og drikker te, og sammen med teen inntar jeg Haribo minipose med Gullbamser. Koselig tilbehør også gitt. Teen er sjekkisk og heter Green Tea with Opuncia.. hva nå det er?! Jeg tror det er et eller anna tropisk, for det lukter litt tropisk av teen :) Oppi teen er det melk og denne gangen honning. Tror det egentlig er litt sunnere enn sukker. Men samma om det er sunt eller ikke, for nå vil jeg egentlig bare at min såre hals ikke skal være sår lenger :)
What will it say to be a Norwegian?
I'm struggling with writing a norwegian text.. well, maybe not struggling, but I just don't know what to write.. okay, I guess you can call that struggling. But, the point is that I'm writing about "What will it say to be a Norwegian?" You want to know? I'm not so sure myself to be honest. Yes, I am a norwegian and so are maybe you, but it can be hard to put it into words. Or maybe not, but at least when you'll try and make a good text out of it.
I better continue then. And if I find out what there is to be a Norwegian, I might tell here right on my blog :) Looking forward to it huh? naah, didn't think so either...
I'm bored :/
Sunny and warm weather :)
Today has been a terrible day :( First a lesson with norwegian, then math and then MOCK EXAM in french.. I still don't understand why they had to have those two pre-torture lessons before the mock exam :/
My nose was red and sore and the right side of my head hurt because of my blocked nose :P and the exam went pretty much straight to hell.. or at least it was on a very good way down there. But now I'm done and home, and tomorrow there's no school, even though I have to get up at 6am tomorrow to go to the hospital and get training in what to do there and such. But after than I won't have school before next Monday :D
mandag 28. april 2008
Jeg får rett og slett spasmer. En heldagsprøve (tentamen) er på en dag hvor man bare skal ha det ene faget man skal ha prøva i. Men neida.. Imorra skal vi jo tragisk nok ha 45 minutter med norsk og matte FØR den begynner klokka ti. Hvor teit er ikke det? De skal ikke bare lage det til en torturdag for meg med bare fransk, men litt ekstra vors tortur på starten, joda..
Æsj... lærere assa :/
And the then the week started all over again. Today hasn't there been much happening that is really worth to mention. Me and Silje were sitting singing in the history lesson and it started to rain the minute I came in the door when I got home...lucky me. Just some random facts really :)
My parents were off to a concert today with some friends, so I'm having the house all by myself for the evening :D It's lovely :) For dinner I ate indian food. Tikka Masala to be exact. I love spicy food :D
Right now I'm supposed to study for the french mock exam I'll have tomorrow, but I just can't be bothered + that I don't really know what to study for.. we can bring the book and such, so I guess I'll just take it as it comes :/
søndag 27. april 2008
Full og tullete Alex Turner :)
Haha :D Nå har jeg akkurat lest et utrolig artig intervju med Arctic Monkeys frontfyr, Alex Turner. Full og tullete på tråden med Dagsavisen; det er festlige greier det:
Sneezing Panda :)
Awww, look at this panda! It's adorable where it's lies next to his mum sneezing.. hehe.. I never thought it would be such a loud noise coming from a baby panda's sneeze :P
Blocked nose and Ernest Hemingway.
Today I decided to be a bit athletic and go jogging. But, the weather wasn't too good, and I'm also starting to get a cold. My eyes are runny, my nose are all blocked, and so are my right ear (because of the cold, not because of dirt:P) and I have a nasal voice.
So instead I'm sitting inside, and I'm suppose to study for a spanish test I'll have tomorrow. But right now I'm cuddled up in my fleece blanket in my sofa, reading "A farewell to arms" (Farvel til våpnene) by Ernest Hemingway with a bit of background music by Kings of Leon. Strange combination, but I like it. I wanted to read the book in english, but as my parents had it in norwegian I just chose that one.
Hope you're having a nice Sunday :)
The libanese food tasted strange, but good and after eating, a friend of me came over to my house, and we watched the film "Brokeback Mountain" :) I love the film, but it's quite sad at the end.
I'm sitting and listening to The View right now :) I love their music.
lørdag 26. april 2008
Montering av CDskap :)
Idag har jeg vært med Silje på maxi (altså kjøpesenteret her på Hamar). Der skjedde det ikke så mye utenom det vanlige, men jeg greide da å ende opp med å kjøpe nok et par solbriller :)
fredag 25. april 2008
Marit spiser :)
Nå sitter jeg og spiser et skikkelig deilig brød kalt børak(?) brød :) Det er fra en tyrkisk butikk, og inni det er det spinat og fetaost :) det er hva jeg kaller nydelige greier ;) Sammen med det spiser jeg faktisk litt forfriskene ananas :) Helt fersk og ikke noe hermetikk her :P
Så dette ble nok et innlegg om hva jeg spiser :/
What is the point with math? it's just a bunch of numbers on a paper that makes your head go around and all you end up with is a terrible headache.. okay, there I just described math as something you get drunk on, but atleast it's almost the same symptoms as if you would actually get drunk.. about the headache I ment...
But right now I'm just HAPPY because the mock exam in math is over, and I don't have a bad feeling about it, but not a good one either.. :D
And then comes the weekend :D :D
torsdag 24. april 2008
I've been sitting and doing maths for hours now... with some help from my dad... my head is exploding soon and I've got a runny nose and to do math with my dad can actually be very tiring as he's so eager to tell me all about it as he's crazy about math xD It's strange.. my mum, dad AND brother have had math as their favorite subject at school, and then comes me, the odd one out, hating it more that anything else and instead being interested in languages which none of them really liked :P I guess I just go my own ways :D
I'm really not looking forward to the test tomorrow :( But when I'm done with it (even though I probably will have a terrible feeling about how it goes), it will be weekend :D :D :D Finally! Which means time to relax and no school :) That is what I call happy days :D
Today has been a rather boring day.. Not any point to mention what I did at school, but in english class the teacher wasn't there, so we just got a sheet of paper with questions to fill in about a text... I was quite fast at doing that, so when I was done I went out in the sun and sat there with my dearest MP3 player, listening to music while wearing my sunglasses and getting the sun right in the face :D
Now I'm stuck with math and I have to do loads of it to prepare for the mock exam in math I have tomorrow.. I'm screwed! :(
anyway, wish me good luck?
onsdag 23. april 2008
TEA time :)
Meg og bestevenninna mi :)
I felt for adding a photo on here since it's been quite a while since I did so.. well, not really but still :P
Russerevy :)
åh, så utrolig gøy! Nå har jeg akkurat kommet hjem etter å ha sett årets russerevy her i Hamar. Den var veldig bra, og jeg satt da der og lo :) Den var i den store teatersalen i Hamars gamle rådhus, hvor jeg hadde skole i 9. klasse og halve 10. klasse (vi brukte altså rådhuset som skolebygg siden den egentlige skolen ble pusset opp). Å være der igjen brakte tilbake minner, så det var jo litt koselig :)
Mens jeg satt å så på russen på scenen, fikk meg til å tenke på at det faktisk bare er 1 år igjen, og så er jeg russ også.. Jeg gleder meg så sinnsykt! Ikke bare til å bli russ, men til å bli ferdig med videregående å det å bare komme meg vekk fra Hamar og oppleve nye ting :D
Nå sitter jeg her, og burde egentlig gjøre matte siden jeg har matte tentamen på fredag, men så har det seg sånn at jeg rett og slett ikke har lyst.. ikke at noe ville fått meg til å ha lyst til å gjøre matte, men alikevel.. Jeg liker ikke å gjøre matte :(
Men nå har jeg lyst på te, så hejdå ;P
Æsj, nå sitter jeg på skola og skriver norsk.. ikke bare norsk, men NYnorsk.. huff, jeg skjønner virkelig ikke poenget med det.. Men, I got to do what I got to do, fordi jeg føler at lærern egentlig ikke liker meg... mulig det er fordi jeg ikke liker hu heller... men uansett.. Jeg skriver faktisk om "Hendt i veka", og jeg har egentlig ikke så mye å skrive om.. Det er tross alt bare onsdag, og så tidlig i uka, pleier det ikke å skje så mye med meg. menmen... det er vel bare å skrive ett eller anna og håpe at lærern blir fornøyd med mine ikke-eksisterende nynorsk kunnskaper :P
tirsdag 22. april 2008
Ute på biltur :]
Da var det egentlig på tide med et blogginnlegg på norsk :)
Det har egentlig ikke skjedd så mye mer siden det forrige blogginnlegget mitt, men det lille som da har skjedd er at jeg har vært ute på kjøretur med faren min... og det var jo forsåvidt litt interessant... Jeg er jo så langt ikke så veldig flink til å kjøre en bil, men jeg kvelte bare motoren 1 gang, og jeg greide å holde meg på veien. Vi kjørte langt oppi huttiteita sånn at jeg ikke skulle møte på så mange biler (for jeg kan freake litt ut, hvis det blir litt for mange biler både foran og bak bilen og greier), så da var det best å være litt ute på en landevei. Så det gikk greit... ingen skumle rundkjøringer, og bare noen få kryss som gikk som smurt å komme seg gjennom :P
Så det var vel egentlig hva det var å si om min kjøreopplevelse idag :)
Sol ute, sol inne :D
Today has been okay. I had a short day at school, and after been almost bored to death through the french lessons, and after having a presentation about the Incas, I went almost straight from school and down to the hospital to a jobinterview, and it looks like I'll be having a job this summer :D I'm going to work in the cafeteria/kitchen, so no bumwiping for me :P
I was craving grapes after the interview, so now I'm sitting on the terrace eating grapes and doing homework... I have to use any oportunity to try and get a tan, even though I probably will just end up with a ton of freckles on my nose =/
and guess what they had in the cafeteria at school today! Fish n' Chips :D I LOVE Fish n' Chips :D
mandag 21. april 2008
What a lovely day it has been. The sun is shining, I got off early from school today and I have just been in the "park" jogging and working out at the gym. It gives me such an incredible good feeling :D When I was jogging I saw lots of these spring flowers popping up on the ground and I also met a squirrel running next to me when I was jogging :)
At school in lunch today everyone were sitting outside catching some rays. Too bad I forgot my sunglasses, as I was sitting there squinting... The sky is blue and there's not a cloud to see :D
søndag 20. april 2008
lørdag 19. april 2008
OiOiOi! Nå har Marit vært på Maxi og handla sko :D og ikke til en hvilken som helst pris, men til 5 kroner. Jeg ble nesten litt holle moses jeg, når jeg så det var halv pris av rød pris, og at det da ble 5 kroner for skoene... :O Man tenker sikkert at de er skikkelig stygge når de koster bare 5 kroner, men jeg synes de faktisk var litt fræshe :)
fredag 18. april 2008
My new buddy =)
Suitcase explosion :D
My room looks like a mess after I cleaned out my suitcase, and I have no idea where to put all the stuff I bought... I'm sort of struggling with a so-called not-big-enough-room problem :P I better get my room a bit less messy as Lise is coming tomorrow as we're both going to Guro's birthday party :) So that will be fun.
Right now I'm listening to music and almost screaming along to it :D lol
torsdag 17. april 2008
Today I had to get up earlier than the other days.... I was extremely tired... We had to postpone our breakfast a bit, because where they served the breakfast at the hotel there was lots of retired french people taking up all the tables... x)
I then went for a last shopping round at the nearest store, and ended up buying A LOT of tea at the supermarket.
I also got spoken to by random people, and as I don't understand Czech, I feel quite awkward standing there nodding and excusing myself for not speaking it.. it's strange... it was like that when I was in Berlin too. Many people decided to stop someone to speak to, so why not me? the foreign girl who don't understand the language :P
But then we were off to the airport.. but before doing so, I had to have one last coffee from Starbucks :D
On the airport everything went good, and I got smooth through the control without any beeping. And I think that is the first time ever where it don't beep when I'm coming through on neither of the ways. I was relieved... I hate being grabbed on by the scary security guards :P
but then I'm off.. school tomorrow unfortunately :( but then is it weekend though :D
Tuddelidu! :)
Someone stabbed my bag :(
Yesterday I just wasn't bothered to write on my blog. Simply because I a) Was in Prague, b) I was exhausted and c) the internet connection at the hotel was acting strange anyway :P
But, I had a good day :) I was at the Communism museum which was interesting :) Somehow it fascinates me, all these -ism words :P So there I was wandering around at the museum reading the whole story about communism in Czech Republic in general and in Prague in particular :)
When I was there I suddenly noticed a big hole in my bag, and it turned out that someone had tried to rob me... without any luck, luckily :D But, the big hole had been probably made by a knife or something sharp.. it's scary to think that someone had stabbed a knife or anything like it through my bag, when I thought I was holding my bag tight 24/7... That fucking bastard who ruined my bag! :( but nothing was stolen, so I'm glad. too bad I only brought one bag with me to Prague... :/
After that I went to "shoe heaven" which also can be called Bata, which is a shoe store in 6 floors :O... but to be honest, it wasn't that interesting as I hoped it would be.. But I ended up buying myself some new trainers.. I really needed those x)
I also felt in love with the store NEW YORKER. Wow! it was a huge store, and for some reason it was loads of norwegians in there... As my parents were waiting outside the store and were waiting impatiently to go and eat lunch, I almost had to run through the store, and I ended up buying some sunglasses (because I managed to forget my sunglasses at home :(), and some leggings... I wish I had more time there.
I also went to a HUGE CD/DVD music store where I bought a couple of buttons and two posters... And not any posters, but ARCTIC MONKEYS and JIMI HENDRIX :D So the first thing I did when I came home was to put them up on my wall.. or atleast one of them, because my wall is already stuffed with God knows what :P So right now my Arctic Monkeys poster is put up in the ceiling... Nice view when looking up then :D
I was at TESCO today.. it's strange that they had it there, in Prague. I bought a HUGE teacup with cows on it... cows rocks :P The alcohol was really cheap.. I saw the price of half a liter spirit, and it was about 33Kroner/3£/7$... it's pathetical cheap...! xD
In the evening we ate on a Belgian resturant, and I ate snails... call me weird, but I love it :D
tirsdag 15. april 2008
Dancing houses? oh, sure...
Prague is HUGE! I've been walking around alot today, and almost got lost, and there's hundreds of groups following a guide with either a colorful umbrella, a huge flower stick or other things to show that they're the guide.. it's almost funny. So far I've seen lots of brits, frenchmen, spanish people and pretty much people of any nationality.
Today we went up in Prague Castle and walked over the Charles Bridge. I also was at a second-hand shop which I love :D Second-hand shops are quite fascinating places.. there they have tons of old, mostly ugly clothes, but among all the ugliness you can find some interesting pieces of clothes. It's strange to go through pieces of clothes after clothes and look at all the strange things people actually have wore... anyway.. I ended up buying some scarfs thingys, and it was really cheap... I like the prices down here :)
We went into a crypt under a church and we saw the so-called "dancing houses", which is some houses that apparently look like they're dancing together..
We were at a market where I bought some really cheap strawberries :) I LOVE strawberries.
that's pretty much it.. I'm not bothered to write anymore right now, because I'm so bloody tired :P
goodnight :)
mandag 14. april 2008
and I'm still enjoying Prague :)
wow! yet another day in Prague has gone by, and I'm having a great time here :) It has been lovely weather (I would almost consider it as summer weather, but it's still just a very warm spring :P). It's said to be rainy weather the next few days, so I guess I have to enjoy the good weather while I can :) Today have we been a bit all around town, and being to this HUGE castle. Me and my dad also went up a tower called The Powder Tower, so that was interesting. After walking ALOT, and not really knowing what we had done, we went back to the hotel. Btw; yesterday we got the wrong room we had ordered, but today we got the one we actually had ordered.. a room consisting of two rooms and a bathroom between (which means I have my very OWN room :D). And not only that, it was a doublebed in my room! :D So I think I'll have a very good night of sleep tonight :)
I also went to two huge shoppingcenters which is right down the street from the hotel, and there I went to Topshop and after that I went to Starbucks to drink this delicious beverage with Frappuchino Chocolate Cream :D Happy times, I would call it ;) For dinner, we and the women that joined us in the car on the way to the airport, joined us for dinner to a typical czech restaurant. It was some sort of bar/restaraurant and I really felt like the odd one out, as I was probably the only one under 20 there, among lots of old folks in their 40s, 50s and 60s... strange...
That's pretty much what there is to say so far.
Nighty Night :]
søndag 13. april 2008
My first day in Prague :)
What a long day it has been! I woke up at 6am today (or I was waken up partly by my mum stressing around and partly by my stupid alarm). So after eating a bit and then getting ready, we went off to the airport. A woman at my dad's work and her neighbour was going to drive with us in our car, as they also were going to Prague at the same time. I had never met or seen them before, and I had to sit in the backseat with them, really wanting to sleep for a while, but that was kinda hard, as I was sqeezed in the middle... oh joy... :/
We eventually got to the airport and off we went.. I love being on an airplane.. I don't know why really, but I just do. Especially right before the plane is going to land, and you see the landscape closer and closer as closer you get to the ground.
After getting to the hotel and putting our luggage in our room, we went out for a little walk; just to get to know parts of the town a little bit better. They have quite a few huge shopping senters here, and they have a few British brand stores here too; such as Mark's & Spencer, Tesco and believe it or not: TOPSHOP! (SIGRID! Det er Topshop her!!! :D :D :D)
I also got to see this sign when I walked down a street: (yeah, I know it is american)
Guess if I became happy?
I'm not a Starbucks addict or anything (would be hard, as we don't have Starbucks in Norway), but already right after my dad had ordered tickets, I had to check on Starbucks website if they had Starbucks in Prague... and they hadn't... So, when I saw this sign earlier today, I was surprised :D and I love Starbucks coffee :D Especially the Frapuccino :D
After wandering around for a while, suddenly this quite charming guy with a hot English accent started talking to me, and ask me if I knew how to drive a bike.. hmmm.. well, it turned out that he works with a bike renting thing in Prague, and as I was from Norway and had got there today it was free or something for me.. hehe... but I wasn't really interested in driving around in Prague on a bike with my parents...but it was sort of interesting that the first person I would speak to in Prague was English :)
Me and my parents didn't do much of sightseeing today, as we just walked around, going in to a few stores and such.. my mum is crazy about all this Czech crystal they have here (which I'm not that interested in to be honest), and in one store we went into, I felt we were almost being stalked by all the three employees there.. creepy.. They wanted to show us everything we lied our eyes on, and especially this guy with his shirt a bit too open...
For lunch I ordered a dish that was quite cheap (almost EVERYTHING is cheap here) so I thought it wouldn't be that much food, as I wasn't very hungry. But there I was wrong... xO I also drank my very first Czech beer (which tasted like piss!), but then I've tried that :P
All in all so far, Prague is a lovely city, and I'm looking forward to actually do some sightseeing and shopping the next few days :D
But then I better be off to bed, as it's rise and shine early tomorrow :)
lørdag 12. april 2008
"My eyes are red
my cheek are wet
I'm not crying
Bloody soap
I was only taking a shower"
and when I'm taking a shower, it happens to be too much foam all over the place...
I'm eating a chocolate Easter bunny.. A quite delicious chocolate Easter bunny if I may say so :) I got if from some friends for my birthday and since that day till today it's been laying in the fridge, waiting for me to attack it... or maybe not.. it's looking a bit evil x)
Too bad because it's going down my throat whether it like it or not :P
I'm off to Prague and I'm looking forward to it :D
I think I would consider myself as quite busy these days.... Not that I feel I've done too much, but still. I didn't even blog yesterday :O haha :P
But I think that is a good thing actually, because I feel I have a pretty pathetic life when I write everyday about nonesense and such.. no offend to any of you other bloggers out there, but I have a feeling most of you actually write about something importent/interesting, while I just scribble down alot of shite....
Right now is it all about packing, packing and even more packing, because tomorrow I'll be off to Prague for a few days with my parents... I'm looking forward to it, because I've heard it is a beautiful city and it's pretty cheap down there. My biggest problem now is what to bring, and what not to bring.. I always have a trouble doing that, but I usually survive with the clothes I stick to.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog when I'm down there, but I think my dad is going to take his laptop along since it's free access to the internet at the hotelroom, so I'll might write some updates about how the city is and so on :)
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend so far :) I'm stressed, but I guess it will be over soon :P
So see you in a while!
torsdag 10. april 2008
My best motorized friend :D
Again is it Thursday, and I survived the day.. It actually went quite fast to be honest. Me and Silje didn't do much in the math lessons, because instead of doing math we ate this delicious hamburger we bought in the cafeteria :D much better than math :P
I had the last lesson off, but I was suppose to work on a french project... I got a tea bag from Marielle called Söder te which was bought in Sweden, and it was delicous :D Tusen takk for den Marielle :D
Then I was off to Andrea, to work with english and now we're sitting here, not really bothered to begin, but I guess we have to... Life can be a bitch! :P
Wish us good luck ;P
just to inform you who would really be interested: Ingvild chose the color of this text :)
onsdag 9. april 2008
Te, kiwi og sjokoladedypping. NAM! :D
Nå har jeg akkurat vært oppe og lagd meg en deilig og rykende kopp med te.. ikke en hvilken som helst te, men en Twinings - Four Red Fruits :) Den er god den!
Mens jeg drikker denne velsmakende teen spiser jeg også kiwi og dypper sjokolade... interessant hæ?
Uansett.. Idag er det 68 år siden Tyskerne invaderte Norge. Utrolig snålt at det er så lenge siden, men samtidig ikke så lenge sida... ikke at jeg har så mye å si på denne tidsgreia, for jeg ble jo ikke født før 50 år senere :D men alikevel.. interessant :)
Buttons :D Music buttons ;)
After school I went into town with my scooter (which was still behaving good :P) and went to the bank... that was quite boring, but as a "present" from the bank, you get three giftcard on cinema tickets, a pen (oh yeah :P) and a cardholder. So lucky me ;)
oooh, my scooter is behaving well today :D I guess all it needed was some more petrol xD
today I began at 10am and I had a mock exam in english.. not good :/ but I managed to write a few pages. When I sat there struggling with the task, I look out, and it's SNOWING! Much! :/ All I could think about was my poor scooter, standing outside, getting wet and snowy.. but when I eventually was done with the paper, the snow hadn't get stuck to the ground, but my scooter was wet, and so became my arse on the way home :P
Now I'll soon be off to the bank, as I have an appointment there with a woman who wants to talk to me about me getting a Visa card... how very exciting :S
So then I'm off :)
tirsdag 8. april 2008
awww, I feel so lazy.. I was suppose to work out today, but instead I went for a walk.. a quite long one too.. So I'm not that lazy.. but still.. I really should have been at the gym. While taking a walk with my faithful friend; the MP3 player, I went to a store on the way home to buy a frame.
You might wonder why I bought a frame? Well, let me tell you:
When my bestfriend turned 18 I made her a collage with lots of photos of us through the years (pretty much our entire lives) and then I wanted to make a collage with The Wombats.. Or not The Wombats, but their autographs, my pictures with them (only two of them :( ) and the ticket to the gig ofcourse :D (oh yeah, I feel quite creative for a change) And then I needed a frame ;) So now I'm done, and it's papercut all over the place. I better take it away, as my room is messy enough already :P
That's the story of the day :P

CD's coming in the mail :D I like ;)
Here the other day I was browsing on play.com and found lots of these CD's I've been wanting for quite a long time, and on play.com they were really cheap + they deliever it free to Norway. Believe it or not :O
So I just had to buy a few ;)
ooh, what do we have here?
And tada! here they are:
Kate Nash - Made of Bricks
Dirty Pretty Things - Waterloo to Anywhere
Kings of Leon - Because of The Times
So now I'm a happy owner of all three albums by Kings of Leon :D
Æsj, jeg liker ikke Tirsdager :(
Tuesday and I'm tired. Why is it so that I'm always tired on Tuesday? I think I'll never get that. Right now am I sitting in some not very comfortable sofas and me and Marielle are supposed to work on a french project. Along with us is Ingvild, because, as lucky as she is, she don't have any 3rd language to study x)
But atleast we don't have french lessons this week with the teacher as she's in Cannes along with some students, and btw, this week was I suppose to be in London at an exchange family :( But that trip got cancelled thanks to the stupid school politics. :(
mandag 7. april 2008
Hva driver du med?
Jeg sitter og spiser Ritzkjeks og knekkebrød med brie jeg :) Denne gangen drikker jeg faktisk ikke te, rett og slett fordi jeg ikke gadd å lage meg det. Så jeg er heller litt mer sunn og drikker vann ;) Vann er alltid godt :D Samtidig som jeg putter i meg mat ser jeg også på Ungkaren 20 vs 40... vet ikke helt hvorfor, men hadde litt lyst til å se hvor patetisk det er, siden det er norsk og greier xD Så det er vel egentlig det som skjer på mitt lille grønne og oransje rom i kveld... så ikke særlig spennende :)
søndag 6. april 2008
My meeting with two of The Wombats :D

Me and Dan Haggis! Awww, he's so charming! :D

This is a terrible picture of me, but it's all about Tord :D haha
Random facts 2 :)
-Peanuts are actually one of the ingredients of dynamite
-The electric chair was invented by a dentist
(and this says pretty much all about how cruel a dentist can be) There's a reason why people don't like dentists! xD
-The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it.
ewww, that is disgusting! Next time I'm in desperate need of chocolate I'll think about that :P
-If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn white
-Most toilets flush in E flat
How very interesting......
-Most humans can guess someone's sex with 95 percent accuracy just by smelling their breath.
okay, that is just weird... and even a bit creepy don't you think?
Random shit 3 xD hehe

I don't really have any reasons for why I chose these things.
lørdag 5. april 2008
First scootertrip of the year :)
I MET The Wombats! I TALKED with The Wombats! WE MET The Wombats! :D WOOOOO!
Or, we MET two of the Wombats!
Me and Silje went home from school and skipped P.E to catch the 4pm train to Oslo. As we're not very known with all the roads and adresses in Oslo, we went to the venue so we were sure where it was and after doing that we went to a pizza restuarant with a quite strange kelner. it was fun :P
Then we walked back to the venue, and we were the second in the row behind two Swedes :)
I was standing in the hallway, talking with my mum on the phone when I suddenly saw this cool guy in a blue sweater coming through the door! Awwww! and it was Dan Haggis, the drummer in the Wombats! :O Right behind him comes Tord (the adorable Norwegian bassist in the band) and I ran to get Silje and there we suddenly stood next to Tord talking with him.. He was really nice and we got his autograph and picture, and I just had to ask for a hug :D and I got one ;P YAY! I think I actually told him that I have family in Elverum (which I have), but I don't think he was really bothered :P We talked with him for a few minutes and then said good luck, and told him that we would be the two screaming girls in the front row (which we also were) and wished him good luck!
Then it was all about not to freak out after the chat with him, so we went back in again, and then we saw Dan.. He was really cool and nice and we got to take pictures and get an autograph. But I think I was too shy to ask for a hug xD But still.. WE MET THE WOMBATS :D I must've been in heaven ;D
anyway, this was too good to be true, and it was almost enough for me :D But then comes the warm-up band which is called Manatee Racket and they were really good.
Then it was all about The Wombats!
Me and Silje ended up (eventually) in the front row and I stood there singing and screaming along to every single song :D Dan even spoke a bit norwegian in a really good Sunmørs-accent so that was quite impressive.
I almost touced Murph's guitar, but then he turned around and went back to his spot again.. We were sqeezed in the crowd, but I didn't really bother. I just had alot of fun, even though there were some guys who were throwing beer over the audience so my hair got a bit soaked in beer + that there was this really drunk girl hanging over my shoulders almost through the whole gig. But I guess it's just a part of a good night isn't? :P
After singing lots of songs and even Postman Pat + a new tune me and Silje had to run back to the railway station to catch the last train back home. So there we were running after jumping up and down, sweaty and with sore throats for about 2 hours we ran through Oslo's streets (which was rather creepy as it was lots of gangs and other scary people there :P) to get the train. And we managed it :D We're good :P
This really made my day! :D
I'm in LOVE with The Wombats :)
I also bought a t-shirt btw :D
I'll put up out the pictures of me and the guys later ;)
fredag 4. april 2008
Friday and Marit is HAPPY :D
Igår feira ei venninne av meg bursdag, og det var utrolig festlig.. først var vi hos hun og hadde vorspiel + taco og etterhvert dro de som var fylt 18 år til byen. Der var det egentlig ganske dødt, men det kom flere etterhvert, og vi hadde det gøy :) Dro hjem sånn rundt klokka 3, så er ikke helt våken idag men det går så bra så ;P
Later today is me and Silje going to take the 4pm train into Oslo to go and see:
torsdag 3. april 2008
I'm not sure why I'm writing on my blog right now, as it's just been an ordinary (which means boring) Thursday so far, and all the things that have been happening is not really worth to mention.
No, I didn't get the guitar for my birthday.. But if you look closer, you
thought it fitted quite good on my guitar :P Because after all, Jimi Hendrix was the best guitar player
Here's my bunch with keys, and there you see my new key buddy :D A Jimi Hendrix key ring.. cool huh? :)
Here's my new Kiss t-shirt :D Nice right? I Love it.. The Kiss text is on the top of the back :)
I'll probably add more pics later :)
Then I'm off to get ready for the birthday party ;)
onsdag 2. april 2008
Oversleeping? naah
Apparantly isn't it enough to just oversleep so you get in an extremely hurry on the way to school, but actually oversleep a lesson.. that's what happened to me today.. On Wednesdays I begin at 10, and I had set my alarm on 3 different times so I was sure to get up... But no...
and it's weird that it happens on a day where I don't begin before 10am :/
Suddenly I woke up, and the time was 10.27 to be exact, and I looked at my cellphone where I'd got a text saying "Aren't you coming?" from one of my friends. But I got up, and waited till the next lesson started so the teacher wouldn't know I had overslept...
anyway.. Things like that can happen to everybody, and I didn't really mind that happening today as I had the worst and least understandable subject of all time the whole day: History & Philosophy.
After school I went to Andrea along with Ingvild, to try and be done with the project, but we ran out of time... That's how it goes when you find this stupid page called Blogthings.com and start taking all these quizzes... =/
I think we're a bit screwed when it comes to that project...
tirsdag 1. april 2008
Det her er da altså selveste Carl Barât :D Tidligere frontsanger i The Libertines, og nå frontsanger i Dirty Pretty Things. Dette er kanskje ikke det beste bildet av han, men du må alikevel innrømme at han er HEIT :D

Her har vi da Alex Turner som er frontsanger i Arctic Monkeys :) Han er bare sånn helt utrolig Genial-kul-heit hvis du skjønner hva jeg mener :D I'm in love with Arctic Monkeys :D
også syntes jeg dette bildet var ganske så søtt...ntåååå xD
hehe.. ikke misforstå... Dette er en fyr jeg vil kalle musikalsk heit :P Nok en frontsanger, og det er nemlig Caleb Followill i Kings of Leon..
Dette bildet er fra 2003 eller noe, så han ser helt annerledes ut nå, og dette er en av hans mange hårfrisyrer... Han er bare så utrolig KUL :)
April Fools Day :]
Today is it the 1st of April... The April Fools Day. Lucky for me, I haven't been fooled today, and no one haven't really tried to fool me either.. xD
any fools out there who have been fooled today and want to tell me? :P comment then ;)
The day at school was boring, so no need to waste time on writing about that.. After school I went home for a while and then my mum picked me up, and then we went to my grandma.. Where it was about (atleast) 1 meter with snow!!! :O jeez, I'm so glad I don't live there. After get stuffed with cakes, cookies and icecream and God knows what grandmothers give you, we went to my other grandparents :)
That's actually about what happened today.
Så hadet så bra! :)